티스토리 뷰


Day 16 : Sounds good 


# 상대방이 어떤 제안을 할 때 동의하며 맞장구칠 때 사용하는 표현. 상대의 의견에 동의할 때 "좋은 생각이야"

Sounds good = Great idea = I agree with it = Sounds like a plan


What are you gonna do this weekend?

> I'll take my kids outside and play in the yard.

Why don't we go catch a late-night movie.

> Sounds good, but I'm signing up for yoga class.

Once you make a decision, you stick to it.

> The clock is ticking. It's now or never.


@ take something outside  ~을 밖으로 데리고 나가다


What are you doing tomorrow?

I'm gonna take my kids outside for a picnic.


@ catch a late-night movie  심야 영화를 보다


Have you made up your mind?

> We've decided to catch a late-night movie together.


@ sign up for something  (강좌에) 등록하다


I'm signing up for the gym next month.

Wow, you're starting to work out again.


@ stick to something  (어려움을 참고) ~을 계속하다 /  ~을 (바꾸지 않고) 고수하다[지키다]


How do you keep in shape?

I stick to my diet and exercise a lot.


  • go catch  잡으러 가다  The sun is shining. I gotta go catch some rays   Aren't we supposed to go catch him?

'Cake : middle > 영어회화 100일의 기적 (중)' 카테고리의 다른 글

Day 18 : I'm booked solid  (0) 2020.04.07
Day 17 : This is ridiculous  (0) 2020.04.07
Day 15 : What's up with your hair?  (0) 2020.04.07
Day 14 : I call in sick  (0) 2020.04.07
Day 13 : Don't tell me what to do  (0) 2020.04.07