티스토리 뷰

Cake : toddler/왕초보 영어뉴스

Week 13

미인생 2020. 3. 25. 06:11

### Minions Exhibition


Minions are from an animation movie.

The yellow characters are cute and popular.

Right now, these is a Minions exhibition in Seoul.

There, visitors can see many Minions figures.

The visitors can do many activities, too.

For example, they can take selfies with the Minions.

Also, the visitors can paint their own characters on a computer.

They can also play a fun game.

The exhibition is until March 15.



### "Sesame Street" Turns 50


Happy Birthday, "Sesame Street"

In November, "Sesame Street" turned 50 years old.

"Sesame Street" is an American TV show.

It is popular around the world.

The show is for children.

They can learn English and math from it.

The show has people and puppets.

These puppets sing and dance.

They tell stories.

"Sesame Street" is fun and interesting.

So, children around the world love to watch it.



### 10-year-old Burger


In 2009, a man in Iceland went to a famous fast-food restaurant.

He bought a hamburger and French fries.

Strangely, the man did not eat this meal.

He didn't throw it away, either.

Instead, he kept the burger and fries inside a glass cabinet.

He kept the meal there for 10 years.

Of course, you cannot eat this meal anymore.

But amazingly, the burger and fries didn't rot.

Even now, there is no mold.

This is because fast food has many preservatives.

"We should think about what we eat," the man said.


  • preservative  prɪ|│zɜːrvətɪv   방부제   preservation  (원래 상태·좋은 상태를 유지하도록 하는) 보존[보호/유지]     preserve  prɪ|zɜːrv (특정한 자질특색 등을) 지키다[보호하다]



### VR in School


There is a special history class in Korea.

The teachers use VR.

The students wear VR goggles.

Then, they see 3D images around them.

The images look very real.

With VR, the students can visit historical places.

For example, they can go to royal tombs.

They can see the tombs up close.

Usually, historical places are far away.

So, the students can use VR instead.

"The VR is very interesting," one student said.



### Christmas Records


Christmas is a special time of the year.

So, some people try to do something very interesting.

They try to set Christmas records.

Let's learn about three Christmas records.


@ Tallest Christmas Tree

This real tree is Los Angeles, California.

It is 35 meters tall.

People decorated it with 18,000 Christmas lights.

On November 9, people turned on its lights.

Then, everyone enjoyed a free concert.


@ Biggest Christmas Cake

This cake looks like a Christmas tree.

It was 33 meters tall and 9 meters wide.

It weighted 20 tons.

A cooking school in Jakarta, Indonesia, made this cake.

Many people saw it at a shopping mall.


@ Largest Santa Hat

This hat is 15,47 meters long and 8.23 meters wide.

Children from Norway made it.

The children used red felt and fake fur.

They made the hat in three months.



'Cake : toddler > 왕초보 영어뉴스' 카테고리의 다른 글

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