티스토리 뷰
#. 영어회화 | 어휘 정리 | pay - pay for - cost - afford - charge
우리가 돈에 대해서 얘기할 때 "비싸다" , "싸다"에 대해서만 얘기하지 않죠. "돈을 쓰다", "돈을 내다", "돈이 들다" 와 같이 다양한 방식으로 얘기를 하는데 이번 영상에서 돈에 대해서 얘기할 때 사용하게 되는 여러가지 어휘와 표현을 많은 예문과 함께 배워봅니다.
비싸요 /싸요
It's expensive.
It's not cheap.
It's cheap.
It's not expensive.
I bought ( got ) this yesterday and it was really ( very ) expensive.
It wasn't very expensive.
It was very cheap.
It wasn't very cheap.
돈이 (얼만큼) 들다. cost
돈이 많이 들었어. It cost a lot (of money).
거의 100만원 들었어. It cost almost 1 million won
It cost nearly 1 million won
It cost close to 1 million won.
돈이 그렇게 많이 들진 않았어. It didn't cost that much.
It didn't cost that very much.
It didn't cost that so much.
생각보다 돈이 훨씬 더 많이 들었어
It cost a lot more than I thought.
생각처럼 돈이 그렇게 많이 들지 않았어
It didn't cost as much as I thought
돈이 생각보다 덜 들었어
It cost less than I thought.
돈많이 들었어? Did it cost a lot?
돈이 얼만큼 들어니? How much did it cost?
돈을 얼만큼 내다: pay :특정한 지불내역
나 10달러 냈어. I paid 10 dollars.
돈을 많이 냈어. I paid a lot.
생각보다 돈을 훨씬 많이 내야 했었어. I had to pay a lot more than I thought.
돈을 너가 냈니? Did you pay?
pay the bill 요금을 내다
pay the fine 벌금을 내다
pay the utilities 공과금을 내다.
(무엇을 위해 돈을 지불하다) 무엇에 돈을 쓰다 / 무엇을 사다 : pay for + something
무엇을 위해 돈을 내다 / 지불하다
돈을 내므로써 얻는 그거 / 서비스를 위해서 얻는 내역
나 이거 돈 많이 주고 산거야
I paid a lot for this.
너 그거 얼마주고 샀어?
How much did you pay for that?
너 그거 산거야?
Did you buy that? / Did you pay for that?
비행기표를사다 buy a flight ticket
비행기표를 사려면 이 돈 아껴야 돼
I have to save this money if I want to pay for the flight ticket.
돈을 쓰다: spend
I spent 1 million won yesterday.
afford: 형편, 여건
I can't afford this.
I can't afford to do this.
I can't afford to buy this.
I can't afford to pay for this. 나는 이걸 살 수있는 형편이 안돼
charge: 얼만큼을 내게하다.
청구하다와 비슷한 의미
The library charged me 5 dollars for returning the book late.
I returned the book a little late and the library charged me 5 dollars.
They charged 5 dollars for the late return.
'라이브 아카데미 > 라이브 아카데미' 카테고리의 다른 글
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- Total
- Today
- Yesterday
- OKay
- Don't worry
- OK
- Yes
- Right?
- Yeah
- Oh No
- work out
- Excuse me
- I'm not sure
- make it
- oh
- Thanks
- well
- please?
- please.
- Tell me about it.
- I'm sorry
- hold on
- Hey
- What Happened?
- Actually
- no
- Sure
- pick up
- By The Way
- Please
- too.
- Sorry
- I'm glad to hear that.
일 | 월 | 화 | 수 | 목 | 금 | 토 |
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