티스토리 뷰
#. 영어회화 | 연습가이드 #18 | 비용 - 시간 - 번거로움 비교하기
"그게 돈은 조금 더 드는데 시간이 훨씬 덜 들고 덜 번거로워." 처럼 우리가 일상 속에서 어떤 선택을 하거나 결정을 내릴 때 [비용]과 [시간] 그리고 편리함을 순간적으로 비교하는 경우가 많다. 이번 영상에서 이런 얘기를 할 때 어떻게 자연스럽게 표현을 할 수 있는지 배워봅니다.
그게 시간은 좀 더 걸리더라도 덜 번거로워.
It(That) takes a little more time (a little longer) but it's less trouble.
it's less trouble
it's less of a hassle ˈhæsl 귀찮은[번거로운] 상황[일]
it's less work
it's less cumbersome ˈkʌmbəsəm 크고 무거운, 다루기 힘든
it's easier.
그게 좀 더 번거롭긴 한데 훨씬 더 빠른 방법이야.
That's a little more trouble but it's a much faster way.
그게 돈은 좀 더 들더라도 시간이 훨씬 덜 걸려.
That(it) costs a little more but it takes much (a lot) less time.
그게 돈은 좀 더 들더라도 시간이 훨씬 덜 걸리고 덜 귀찮아.
That costs a little more but it takes much less time and it's less of a hassle.
그게 좀 더 번거롭긴 해도 시간이 훨씬 덜 걸리고 돈도 절약이 돼.
That's a little more of a hassle But it takes much less time and you can save some money.
and you can save some money.
and it costs less.
and it doesn't cost as much.
비용(돈)이 절반밖에 안들어.
It costs only half as much.
비용(돈) 배로 들어.
It costs twice as much.
시간이 배로 걸려
It takes twice as long.
시간이 절반밖에 안걸려
It takes only half as long.
그게 시간이 좀 더 걸리고 더 번거롭더라도 돈이 절반밖에 안들거야.
It's going to take a little longer . It's going to be a little more of a hassle. It's only going to cost half as much..
비용을 줄이다라도 표현할때.
비용을 많이 줄일수 있을꺼야
You can greatly reduce the cost.
You can reduce the cost by a lot( 비지니스적 느낌)
그게 시간은 좀 덜 걸리더라도 훨씬 더 번거롭고 돈도 더 많이 들거야.
That takes a little less time but it's much more of a hassle and it costs more, too.
그게 돈이 좀 덜 들고 시간도 덜 걸리긴 하지만 아무래도 위험부담이 좀 있는 편이지.
That costs a little less and it takes a little less time but it's definitely(아무래도) somewhat risky.
~하는 편이다
It's somewhat ~
It's risky 위험부담이 있다
there's definitely some risk.
암기후 막 섞어서 사용하는 연습
그게 시간은 좀 더 걸려.
That takes a little more time.
That takes a little longer.
그게 시간이 훨씬 더 걸려.
That takes much(a lot) more time.
That takes much(a lot) longer.
시간이 배로 걸려
It takes twice as long( as much time).
그게 시간이 덜걸려.
It takes less time.
그게 시간이 좀 더 걸려.
That takes a little less time.
시간이 절반밖에 안걸려.
It takes only half as long( much time).
덜 번거로워.
It's less trouble.
It's less work.
It's less of a hassle.
좀 덜 번거로워
It's a little trouble.
It's a little work.
It's a little of a hassle.
훨씬 더 번거로워.
It's much more trouble.
It's much more work.
It's much more of a hassle.
그게 돈이 좀 더 들어.
It costs a little more.
그게 돈이 훨씬 많이 들어.
It costs much more.
It costs a lot more.
돈이 배로들어.
It costs twice as much.
그게 시간은 좀 더 걸리는데 덜 번거로워(귀찮아).
It(That) takes a little longer but it's less of a hassle
그게 좀 더 번거롭긴한데 훨씬 더 빠른 방법이야.
it's a little more trouble(work) but it's a much faster way.
그게 돈은 좀 더 드는데 훨씬 덜 번거로워(귀찮아).
It costs a little more but it's much less of a hassle.
그게 돈은 좀 더 드는데 시간이 훨씬 덜 걸려.
It costs a little more but it takes much less time.
그게 돈은 좀 드는데 시간이 훨씬 덜 걸리고 덜 번거로워(귀찮아)
It costs a little more but it takes much less time and it's less of a hassle.
그게 좀 더 번거롭긴한데 시간이 훨씬 덜 걸리고 돈이 절반밖에 안들어.
It's a little more of a hassle but it takes much less time and it costs only half as much.
그게 시간이 좀 덜 걸리긴 하지만 훨씬 더 번거롭고 돈도 더 많이 들어.
That takes a little less time but it's much more of a hassle and it costs more, too.
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- Total
- Today
- Yesterday
- Please
- Thanks
- Don't worry
- What Happened?
- oh
- OK
- pick up
- make it
- please?
- Tell me about it.
- no
- Oh No
- please.
- Sure
- I'm sorry
- Yeah
- Right?
- I'm not sure
- Excuse me
- too.
- Sorry
- By The Way
- Yes
- I'm glad to hear that.
- work out
- Actually
- hold on
- OKay
- Hey
- well
일 | 월 | 화 | 수 | 목 | 금 | 토 |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | |||
5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 |
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19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 |
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