티스토리 뷰




#. 영어회화 | 연습가이드 #16 | "둘 다" / "각각 장단점이 있다"


"둘 다 올해에 나온 제품이다", "각각 장단점이 있다", "둘 다 흥행을 못했다" 처럼 공통점, 각각 지니고 있는 차이점에 대해서 얘기하는 경우가 많다. 

이걸 어떻게 하면 영어로 자연스럽게 말을 할 수 있는지 이번 영상에서 배워봅니다.



They're both Fantasy movies. but they each have their own unique stories.

Neither of them were very popular in Korea. but personally, I really enjoyed them.


I use 3 different kinds. They are all foreign brands. 

They each have their own strengths and weaknesses. None of them are very expensive.



둘 다 판타지 영화인데,

They are both Fantasy movies.


  • 둘다 

  • Both are Fantasy movies.

  • Both of them are Fantasy movies.

  • They are both Fantasy movies. (선생님이 선호함).


각각 독특한 스토리가 있어요.

But they each have their own unique stories.


  • 각각

  • Each have their own unique stories.

  • Each of them have their own unique stories.

  • They each have their own unique stories.

  • have 동사이기 때문에 each 가 앞에 , be 동사이면 each 는 뒤에


한국에서는 둘 다 흥행을 별로 못했어요.

Neither of them were very popular in Korea. (Neither were very popular in Korea.)


  • 둘 다 ~ 아니다

  • Neither were very popular in Korea.

  • Neither of them were very popular in Korea.


근데 개인적으로는 둘 다 재미있게 봤어요.

But, personally I really enjoyed them.



저는 3가지를 사용해요. 다 외국 브랜드인데요 각각 장단점이 있어요. 셋 다 그렇게 비싼것은 아니에요.


저는 3가지를 사용해요.

I use 3 different kinds(types).


다 외국 브랜드인데요

They are all foreign brands.


  • All

  • All of them

  • They are all 


각각 장단점이 있어요.

They each have their own strengths and weaknesses


  • 장,단점

  • pros and cons

  • (dis) advantages

  • strengths and weaknesses

  • upsides and downsides


셋 다 그렇게 비싼편은 아니에요

None of them are very expensive.


  • 셋이상일경우: all, none


각각 성격이 완전히 다르다.( 성격이 다 다르다.)--> 다르다는것을 강조.

each + their own : 각각 어떻다 

all + different : 다 어떻다


They each have different personalities.

They all have different personalities.

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