티스토리 뷰


#. 취향 존중 Whatever float your boat  


Whatever floats your boat 

"네가 좋을 대로 해" 상대가 좋아하는 무언가가 내가 좋아하는 것과 일치하지는 않지만, 열린 마음으로 받아들일 때 쓸 수 있는 표현 : 비격식 표현


Your birthday's coming up soon. How would you like to celebrate?

> Actually, I'm not really sure what I wanna do.

It's your birthday, we can do whatever floats your boat.

> Um, well, how about a big backyard barbecue party?

Sounds stupendous. Let's do it, man.


@ to each their own  

"각자 취향이 있는거지" 상대의 취향이나 생각이 나와 다를 때, 이에 반대하지는 않지만 굳이 따를 마음은 없을 때 사용


I"m cookin' chicken feet for dinner tonight, want some?

> Come on, man, you know I can't stand eating chicken feet.

Why not? They're delish.

> I tried them once, and I just don't like them. Sorry, man.

OK, OK, To each their own, I guess.


  • stupendous stuː|pendəs 엄청나게 큰, 거대한 (=staggering)  I can't stand 참을 수 없다   delish (=DELICIOUS)