티스토리 뷰


Day 30 : It's no big deal 별일 아니야 , 대단한 일 아니야


# it's nothing..., No big deal..., No biggie.


Our kids always fight over nothing.

> It's no big deal. Never mind.

I agree with you to some degree, but I'm a little sensitive.

> They have no trouble adjusting to school life?

Yes, I guess so.

> I bet they'll grow up to be great people.


@ fight over nothing


They fight over every time they see each other.

> I worry so much about their future.


@ have trouble --ing


I'm having trouble learning English.

> Most of all, you have to practice speaking a lot.


@ grow up to be + 명사


What do you want to be when you grow up?

> I want to grow up to be a teacher.


  • biggie ˈbɪɡi  중요한 것[사람/행사]

  • degree  dɪˈɡriː  정도  / 각도의 단위인) 도. (온도 단위인) 도