티스토리 뷰


Day 29 : Let's get wasted  실컷 마시자 


# get wasted  진탕 마시다 = get plastered..., get hammered. 밤을 불태우다  paint the town red.  여러 술집[클럽]을 돌아다니며 놀다


I can't remember a thing about last night.

> Me, neither. I'm in the mood for a beer tonight.

Again? I'm suffering form a terrible hangover.

> Let's go get hangover soup before hitting the bars.

Perfect. Let's get wasted tonight.

> I'll get the bill this time.


@ be in the mood for sth ~ 


I'm in the mood for a movie. Any recommendations?

> I'm not really in the mood. I had a bad day today.


@ hit the bars


You stayed up all night hitting the bars.

> I've got a bad hangover from mixing my drinks.


@ get wasted


One more round of beers.

> No more, I got completely wasted.


@ get the bill


I don't think I have enough to pay.

> You're short? I'll get the bill for this.


@ You're a coward


 Are you a coward?

I'm not a coward.

He's coward.


  • plastered  ˈplæstərd  술이 취한

  • hammered  |hæmərd  고주망태가 된

  • coward  |kaʊərd   겁쟁이, 비겁자