티스토리 뷰


Stephen Wiltshire is an artist from the United Kingdom.

He is famous for his fantastic drawings of cities.

Incredibly, the British artist does all this by memory!

Before he draws, Wiltshire fist takes a helicopter ride.

He flies over the entire city and looks at it.

This helicopter ride usually takes less than one hour.

When he returns from the ride, Wiltshire begins to draw.

For five days, he works on a large piece of paper with his pen.

Wiltshire only saw the city for a brief moment.

However, his drawing is very detailed and precise.

When he finishes, it is a beautiful drawing of the cityscape.

Wiltshire has autism.

Because he is autistic, it is sometimes hard for Wiltshire to be social.

When he was very young, he couldn't even talk to others.

However, Wiltshire has an incredible memory because of autism.

This makes him an amazing artist.

He has made drawings of famous cities like London, Singapore, Rome, and Mexico City.


  • precise prɪˈsaɪs  정확한, 정밀한 (=exact)  엄밀한, 꼼꼼한 (=meticulous)   cityscape ˈsɪtiskeɪp  (특히 사진 속의) 도시 경관, 도시 사진

  • autism ˈɔːtɪzəm  자폐증

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