티스토리 뷰


On December 25th, Christmas is celebrated throughout the world.

Most people enjoy decorating Christmas tress and exchanging gifts.

Some countries have Christmas traditions that are unique.

Lets read about three interesting and special traditions.


@ Brooms in Norway

In Norway, all the brooms are hidden away on Christmas Eve.

That's because Norwegians  believe that winches come out on Christmas Eve.

These evil spirits steal people's brooms.

Then, they ride on the brooms and fly away.

So, Norwegians hide their brooms for the night.


@ Roller Skates in Venezuela

Caracas is the capital of Venezuela.

On Christmas Eve, many people go to church for Christmas Mass.

Interestingly, they put on roller skates to get there.

No one is exactly sure how this tradition began.

But everyone agrees it is fun.


@ Summer Christmas in New Zealand


In the Southern Hemisphere, December is a summer month.

So on Christmas Day, families enjoy barbecues at the park or the beach.

Meanwhile, Santa can be seen surfing on the beach.

Sometimes, he rows a canoe down a river to deliver presents.


  • broom bruːm  빗자루, 비   Mass  미사 / (정확한 형체가 없는) 덩어리[덩이] ,  (양이) 많은 ~   hemisphere  |hemɪsfɪr  (지구의) 반구  canoe kəˈnuː   카누 (→kayak)

  • row ... down   노로 …을 따라내려가다

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