티스토리 뷰


Good sleep plays an important role in a person's health and well-being.

Unfortunately, most Koreans don't get enough of it.

In early 2019, an international survey took place in 12 countries.

People answered various questions about their sleep habits.

About 62 percent of the people said they didn't get a good night's sleep.

Among Koreans, 65 percent said they were dissatisfied with their sleep.

This was the highest percentage of all the countries in the survey.

Overall, most people around the world were not getting enough sleep.

On average, adults slept 6.8 hours on weeknights and 7.8 hours on weekends.

However, doctors recommend 8 hours of sleep every night.

The survey also asked about the reasons for poor sleep habits.

Most people said stress and worry kept them from a good night's sleep.

They also blamed their busy work or school schedule.

Others said they spent too much time on smartphones at night.

Besides Korea, the top countries with bad sleep habits were Peru, Australia, and Japan.

Meanwhile, people in India, Saudi Arabia, and China were happiest with the quality of their sleep.


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