티스토리 뷰


#. Largest Mirrored Building Built in Desert


Maraya Concert Hall is a new building in Saudi Arabia.

The word "maraya" means "mirror" in Arabic.

The building's name is fitting because it is covered entirely in mirrors.

Recently, the cube-shaped building was recognized by Guinness World Records as being the largest mirrored building in the world.

Its massive exterior measures 9,740 square meters.

The building, which seats 500 people, is located in a remote desert region.

The mirrors reflect the mountainous landscape.

Because it merges into the background, it looks invisible at first glance.

From a distance, it seems like a desert mirage.

While Maraya Concert Hall itself is a work of art, it will also host various art programs.

For example, music performances by famous singers will be among the cultural activities there.


Arabic  ˈærəbɪk  1.아랍어   2.아랍어의

recognized  인정된, 알려진

recognize  ˈrekəɡnaɪz  1.(어떤 사람·사물을 보거나 듣고 누구·무엇인지) 알아보다 2.(존재·진실성을) 인정하다 3.공인하다

exterior  ɪk|stɪriə  1.(특히 건물의) 외부   2.(사람의) 겉(모습)   3.외부의; 옥외의

square meter  제곱 미터 ((略 m²))

mountainous  ˈmaʊntənəs  1.산이 많은, 산악의   2.산더미 같은, 엄청나게 큰

merge mɜːrdʒ 1.합병하다, 합치다   2.(서로 구분이 안 되게) 어우러지다

at first glance / look / sight 첫눈에

glance ɡlæns 1.흘낏 보다   2.휙휙 훑어보다   3.흘낏 봄

mirage məˈrɑːʒ 1.신기루   2.신기루 같은 것