티스토리 뷰


#. Church Filled With Familiar Faces


Don Giuseppe Corbari is a Catholic priest from Lombardy, Italy.

His job became difficult when Italy ordered people to stay home to slow the spread of the coronavirus.

Father Corbari continued saying mass, but no one could attend and participate.

So, he asked church members to send him selfies via email.

He then printed the pictures and put them in the pews.

Suddenly, the empty church appeared filled with familiar faces.

This helped Father Corbari overcome his loneliness and let the church community participate in the religious service.

"Even in staying home, everyone was still present," Father Corbari said.

"This gesture meant a lot to the people."

Other priests in the world are using similar ideas to stay active.

Many are also displaying pictures of church members in the pews during their online religious service.

priest  priːst  1.(가톨릭·성공회·동방 정교회의) 사제   2.(기독교 외의) 성직자

mass mæs (특히 로마 가톨릭교에서) 미사 , (정확한 형체가 없는) 덩어리[덩이]

pew pjuː  (교회의, 길게 나무로 된) 좌석[신도석]