티스토리 뷰


#. No kids Allowed


In recent years, more commercial places are becoming "kid-free zones."

These restaurants, coffee shops, and other businesses are not allowing young children.

Some movie theaters are even considering establishing a similar policy.

However, is it right to ban children in this manner?

Some business owners say the ban is necessary because their main customers are adults.

However, noisy children can be distracting to other people.

So, without the ban, the business owners may lose their top customers.

On the other hand, some people are not in favor of kid-free zones.

They think these zones are a type of discrimination.

They say it is wrong for businesses to refuse service to people because of their age.

Also, parents say that kid-free zones are too inconvenient.

They say there are just a few places to take their kids already.

So, this policy makes it even more difficult and uncomfortable for parents.

However, business owners disagree that kid-free zones are limiting the number of choices for these families.

In fact, they say there are many other places where parents can enjoy their time with their kids.

So, families should go to these "kid-friendly zones" instead.


  • establish ɪˈstæblɪʃ 설립[설정]하다 (=set up) , 수립하다

  • discrimination dɪˌskrɪmɪˈneɪʃn 차별 (→positive discrimination)

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