티스토리 뷰


#. Bill Gates


Bill Gates is a pioneer of personal computers.

Although he is retired, he is still one of the richest people on Earth.

In 1975, Gates co-founded the computer company, Microsoft, with Paul Allen.

They made programs for early computers.

At first, computers were big and expensive, so few people owned them.

Then in 1985, Gates and Allen made an operating system called Microsoft Windows.

Microsoft Windows revolutionized personal computers.

It made computers simple to use for millions of people.

As a result, Gates and Allen became multimillionaires.

Gates eventually stepped down from Microsoft.

Nowadays, he and his wife Melinda Gates operate a charity foundation.

They fund research to fight disease and poverty.

They use their time and wealth to make a difference in the world.

Surprisingly, Gates is also a popular YouTuber.

His YouTube channel has over 1 million subscribers.

Through his online channel, Gates expresses his ideas and opinions on topics such as education, clean energy, and healthcare.

He also reviews books and talk to important people.

Through the YouTube videos, people can get a glimpse into his life.


  • pioneer |paɪənɪr 개척자[선구자] (=trailblazer) / 개척하다   multimillionaire |mʌltimɪljəner 수백만장자, 억만장자

  • revolutionize ˌrevəˈluːʃənaɪz 대변혁[혁신]을 일으키다  revolution ˌrevəˈluːʃn 혁명  poverty ˈpɑːvərti 가난, 빈곤

  • step down 단을 내려가다((from)) ,  (후임을 위해, …의 지위를) 퇴진[사직]하다  charity ˈtʃærəti 자선[구호] 단체

  • make a difference 차별을 두다 , 변화를 가져오다, 차이를 낳다, 영향을 주다  glimpse ɡlɪmps 잠깐[언뜻] 봄, 일별 / 잠깐[언뜻] 보다 


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