#. [ ✍🏻 영작 훈련 #02 ] 전치사 활용과 문장연결 ( → 영어회화 ) www.youtube.com/watch?v=mpOmYsolEp4&t=6s [ KOR ] "어제 가전제품 매장에 가서 세탁기를 샀어요. 엄청 조용해서 심지어 밤늦게 사용해도 이웃들이 못 들을 거래요. 난 야근을 자주 해서 10시 지나서 집에 오는 날이 많거든요. 그래서 정말 필요했어요. 다음 주 16일에 도착해요." I went to an appliance shop yesterday and I bought a washing machine. They say that it's really quiet so even if I use it late at night, my neighbors won't hear it. I often work..
#. 20.1207 drain dreɪn 배수관 / 물[액체]을[이] 빼내다 clog up 꽉 막다 plumber ˈplʌmə 배관공 hectic ˈhektɪk 정신없이 바쁜, 빡빡한 take it easy 진정해라 @ I think I need to call ~ ~를 불러야 할 것 같네 I think I need to call a plumber later. I think I need to call a technician. I think I need to call the person in charge. @ It's such a hectic ~ 정말이지 정신없는 ~ 야 It's such a hectic Monday morning. It's such a hectic weekend. It's such a he..
#. 20.1204 obligation ɑːblɪ│ɡeɪʃn (법적·도의적) 의무 oblige əˈblaɪdʒ 의무적으로[부득이] …하게 하다 turn something in ~을 돌려주다[반납하다] , ~을 제출하다 @ be released 개봉하다, 출간하다 The Movie that was released recently was a real blockbuster. Did you read the novel that was released recently? The play that was released recently is based on a true story. @ remind of ~ ~을 연상시키다 They reminded us of our situation a few years ago. He ..
#. [ ✍🏻 영작 훈련 #01 ] 한국어 보고 → 직접 영작해보고 → 답안 확인 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ecvtLuvuGMA&t=606s 이번 강의에서는 짧은 이야기를 한국어로 먼저 드리고 필요한 어휘와 표현을 먼저 정리해드리면 여러분이 직접 영작을 해보고 제가 영작한 문장과 비교해보는 과정으로 해보겠습니다 : [KOR] 제가 예전에는 감을 잘 안먹었는데 최근에는 많이 즐겨먹고 있어요. 지난 주에 뭔가 매운걸을 먹고 감 한 조각을 먹어봤거든요 - 많이 익은거 있잖아요. 근데 엄청 달고 맛있더라고요. I never used to like persimmons but, lately, I've been really enjoying them. Last week, I had so..
#. 시급한 영어교정 → later : 올바른 이해와 활용 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x95ydXrKOT4&t=420s 일대일대응 방식의 학습 습관 때문에 흔히 빠지게 되는 함정 중 하나가 바로 later 이다. l이번 강의를 통해 later 에 대한 올바른 이해와 활용을 배울 수도 있지만 그보다 later 대신에 사용해야 하는 표현을 배우는 것이 더 중요하다. : 현재 시점을 기준으로 3일 뒤에 / 후에 : in 3 days / 3 days from now 3 days later (X) (앞으로) 1주일 후에 : in 1 week (in a week) / one week from now 1 week later (X) 그럼 later 는 ? 지금이 아닌 미래, 혹은 과거의 ..
#. 영어식 사고 훈련 → "그녀는 목소리가 좋다" , "분위기가 좋다", "성격이 좋다" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XlL0EXsDHI8&t=55s 그는 나이가 많다 His age is old (X) He's old. 색이 노랗다 The color is yellow (X) It's yellow. 가격이 비싸다 It's expensive. 여기 분위기가 정말 좋다 The atmosphere is nice. The mood is nice (너무 서술하는 느낌) It's really nice here. I love the mood (atmosphere , vibe) here. 오늘 날씨 정말 좋다 The weather is really nice today ( 너무 서술적인 느낌..
#. 20.1203 speaking of which 지금 말 나온 김에 @ Let's make room for ~ ~ 위해 자리/공간을 마련하다 Let's make room for the ones who will come after the meeting. Let's make room for other visitors to our cycling club. Let's make room for passengers to pass by. @ wouldn't it be nice for ~ to ...? ...하는 게 ~ 에제 좋지 않을까? Wouldn't it be nice for them to take some food home after the picnic? Wouldn't it be nice for us to..
#. 20.1202 @ There's not much ~ in the ... ...에 ~ 가 많지 않네요 There's not much food in the fridge. There's not much water in the bottle. There's not much space in this room. @ You know that I'm not as ~ as I used to be. 내가 예전처럼 ~ 하지 않다는 거 알잖아 You know that I'm not as active as I used to be. You know that I'm not as lazy as I used to be. You know that I'm not as demanding as I used to be.
- Total
- Today
- Yesterday
- well
- hold on
- pick up
- Yeah
- no
- please.
- By The Way
- What Happened?
- Sorry
- Hey
- too.
- I'm glad to hear that.
- oh
- I'm sorry
- work out
- I'm not sure
- Tell me about it.
- Yes
- Right?
- Sure
- please?
- Actually
- OK
- make it
- Thanks
- OKay
- Oh No
- Don't worry
- Excuse me
- Please
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