티스토리 뷰


#. Hyodol and Hyosun


Hyodol and Hyosun are A.I. robots for elderly people.

They look like regular stuffed dolls.

But they can speak like a child.

Many elderly people in Korea live alone.

They sometimes feel lonely.

So, they can talk to the robots.

Also, the robots can care for them.

For example, the dolls monitor the elderly people.

If something happens, they send a message to an emergency center.

"The doll feels like my grandchild, " one grandmother said.


  • stuff stʌf 것[것들], 물건, 물질 /  (빽빽히) 채워 넣다 [채우다] stuffed stʌft 잔뜩 먹은, 포식을 한, 배가 너무 부른 (=full)

  • regular ˈreɡjələ 규칙적인, 정기적인 (↔irregular) , 잦은, 주기적인, 규칙적인 (↔irregular) / 단골손님, 고정 고객


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