티스토리 뷰


#. BTS is Back!


BTS is the most popular K-pop group in the world.

The boy-band became a global hit last year.

Recently, BTS came back after a break.

Let's read about it.

BTS is a group of seven members.

RM, J-Hope, and Suga are rappers.

Jin, Jimin, V, and Jungkook are singers.

The members write their own music.

They talk about many issues, like education and mental health.

Also, they want their songs to give people hope.

That's why people love BTS.

In January, BTS performed at the Grammy Awards.

It is the first time that a Korean group performed there.

Then in February, BTS released its seventh album.

The album is titled "Map of the Soul: 7."

Now, the group will appear on popular TV shows in the U.S.

They will also go on a concert tour.


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