티스토리 뷰
### 1130
to be clear 분명히 말하면 / 정확히 말하자면
fair-weather 자기 좋을 대로만[형편이 좋을 때만] 하는 / 갠 날씨
@@ tell me about ~
나에게 ~ 에 대해 이야기해줘
Tell me about the new schedule for next week.
Tell me about your best vacation you had.
Tell me about the new teacher.
@@ be supposed to ~
~하기로 되어있다
John was suppose to give the graduation speech.
Joanne was supposed to play the piano, but Mark did instead.
Steve was supposed to play Romeo, but the cast was changed.
### 1129
be projected to ~ 할 것으로 예상되다, 추정되다
be predicted to 할 것으로 예측되다
be supposed to 하기로 되어 있다
@@ much worse than ~
~ 보다 나빠지다
The economy is projected to get much worse than it is now.
The arms race is predicted to get much worse than it is presently.
World hunger is supposed to be much worse than it is now in the future.
@@ hang out with ~
~와 어울려 놀다
When I was young, I loved hanging out with my friends.
They dislike hanging out with anyone because of their busy schedule.
I thought you always liked hanging out with people.
### 1128
bargain ˈbɑːrɡən (정상가보다) 싸게 사는 물건 , (서로에게 무엇을 해주기로 하는) 합의, 흥정 , 협상[흥정]하다 (=negotiate)
throw a party 파티를 열다
@@ can afford to ~
~ 할 여유가 있다
I can afford to throw a party after the final exam.
I think I can afford to go shopping this Friday.
I think I can afford to buy some really good clothes at a bargain.
@@ try ~ on
~을 입어보다
But you'd better try them on before you pay!
If you try them on before buying, you'll know whether they fit you.
Let's try on the new suit to see if it fits.
### 1127
trim trɪm (끝부분을 잘라 내거나 하여) 다듬다, 손질하다 / (불필요한 부분을) 잘라 내다 / (특히 머리를) 다듬기[약간 자르기]
run out of (사람이) …을 다 써버리다, …이 없어지다, [물건]을 바닥내다
bleach bliːtʃ 표백하다[바래지게 하다], 표백되다[바래다]
@@ Is ~ available?
~를 이용할 수 있나요?
Is this hair treatment program available?
Is hair bleach available?
Is an audio guided tour available?
@@ You can come back and ~
다시 오셔서 ~ 하실 수 있어요
You can come back and do that anytime next week.
You can come back and change the schedule.
You can come back and get a refund, if you want.
### 1126
bloat bloʊt (물·공기 따위로) …을 부풀리다(out). …에게 자만심을 품게 하다, 우쭐하게 하다(out). 부풀다(out). bloated 부은, 부푼 / 배가 터질 듯한
cabbage ˈkæbɪdʒ 양배추 (→Chinese cabbage, pak choi)
@@ There must be some ~ in...
... 안에 분명 ~ 가 있을텐데
There must be some leftover chicken in the fridge.
There must be some instant noodles in my backpack.
There must be some bread in the basket.
@@ I try not to ~
~하지 않으려고 애쓰고 있어
I try not to eat a lot.
I try not to go to bed too late.
I try not to use plastic cups.
### 1125
I can't do anything about it. 뭐 어쩔수 없죠.
@@ How much should I ~ ?
제가 얼마를 ~ 해야 하나요?
How much should I pay for that?
How much should I prepare for that?
How much should I give to them?
@@ I'll watch your ~ .
제가 당신의 ~ 를 봐 드릴께요
I'll watch your suitcase.
I'll watch your backpack.
Don't worry, I'll watch your puppy.
### 1124
identifier aɪˈdentɪfaɪə 식별자
@@ Where can I ~ ?
~ 는 어디서 할 수 있나요?
Where can I print out my ticket?
Where can I buy souvenirs?
Where can I find these books?
@@ Which one should I ~ ?
어떤 걸 ~ 해야 하지?
Which one should I choose?
Which one should I throw away?
Which one should I eat?
### 1123
impulse ˈɪmpʌls (갑작스러운) 충동 , (진전·발달 등을 유도하는) 자극 * impulse buying 충동구매
get a late fee 연체료를 받다
@@ get a late free
연체료가 붙다
You'll get a late fee on three books.
If you pay late, you'll get a late fee.
I think you're going to get a late fee.
@@ be not aware of
인지하지 못하다
I wasn't aware there are so many cool indie bands.
I wasn't aware of the high cost of living in America.
She wasn't aware of the fact that a new task would be so challenging.
### 1122
@@ don't have to
~ 하지 않아도 된다
You don't have to ride the bus if you have a bicycle.
We don't have to use public transportation if we have our own private vehicle.
You don't have to go to school today if you don't feel well.
@@ didn't expect it would be this easy to ~
~ 가 이렇게 쉬운줄 몰랐다
I didn't expect it would be this easy to watch entertainment programs online.
I didn't expect it would be this easy to make money online.
I didn't expect it would be this easy to connect back then.
### 1121
damage ˈdæmɪdʒ 손상, 피해 / 손상을 주다, 피해를 입히다, 훼손하다
bruise bruːz 멍[흠]이 생기다[생기게 하다], 타박상을 입(히)다
fracture ˈfræktʃə(r) 골절 (부위), 균열, (갈라진) 금 (→greenstick fracture) / 골절이 되다[되게 하다], 파열[균열]되다[시키다]
@@ What's wrong with ~ ?
~에 무슨 문제가 있는 거죠?
What's wrong with this word processing program?
What's wrong with your cell phone?
What's wrong with drinking coffee?
@@ fall (on)
찧다 , 넘어지다
I fell on the ice riding my bicycle and bruised my right lower leg.
I fell while roller skating, and I fractured my right wrist.
I fell backwards while boarding a bus and broke my right ankle.
### 1120
pleasant ˈpleznt 쾌적한, 즐거운, 기분 좋은 / 상냥한, 예의 바른 (↔unpleasant)
depart dɪˈpɑːrt (특히 여행을) 떠나다[출발하다] (↔arrive) (직장을) 떠나다[그만두다] (→departure)
scale skeɪl 규모[범위] (→full-scale, large-scale, small-scale) 저울 접시 / <산 등에> 기어오르다, (사닥다리로) 오르다
@@ What time is ~ ?
~ 가 몇시죠?
What time is your flight tomorrow?
What time is your lecture?
What time is y our performance?
@@ I should check ~
나는 ~ 을 확인해야 해요
I should check how heavy my suitcase is.
I should check how bad the situation is.
I should check how long it will take.
### 1119
for good 영원히 This time she’s leaving for good.
all over again 처음부터 다시 He did the work so badly that I had to do it all over again myself.
@@ Don't tell me that ~
설마 ~ 은 아니겠죠?
Don't tell me that the restaurant closed for good.
Don't tell me that he's not coming again.
Don't tell me that we have to start it all over again.
@@ Let me find another ~ for you
제가 다른 ~ 를 찾아 드릴게요
Let me find another good restaurant for you.
Let me find another good hostel for you.
Let me find another exciting concert for you.
### 1118
attraction əˈtrækʃn (성적으로) 끌림 / 매력(적인 요소) / (사람을 끄는) 명소[명물]
walkable wɔ́:kəbl 걷기에 적합한, 걸어서 갈 수 있는
@@ Are both ~ ?
둘다 ~ 인가요?
Are both walkable?
Are both worth the visit?
Are both recommendable?
@@ I can ~ even when ...
저는 ... 할 때도 ~ 할 수 있어요
I can use this even when Wi-Fi is not available.
I can help you even when I'm super busy.
I can eat ice cream even when I'm full.
### 1117
wing 대충 하다
@@ Is ~ ready?
~가 준비되었나요?
Easy, is your proposal ready?
Is our lunch ready?
Are the kids ready?
@@ Keep ~ ing
계속 ~ 하세요
Keep working on it.
Keep going and never look back.
Keep practicing, and someday you'll be good at it.
### 1116
@@ check out
~을 빌리다 (대여하다) , 확인하다
Let's check out the new movies through the internet for the weekends.
If you don't pay your late fees at the library, you can't check out more books.
Check out the whole new website now!
@@by the way
By the way, I found an amazing app on the Internet.
By the way, will you ever finish all this work you've been doing?
You left umbrella at the library, by the way.
### 1115
be on the blink (기계가) 작동이 되다 안되다 하다(=be out of order).
@@ come by
잠깐 들르다
Why don't you come by for dinner?
Ted, can you come by my place for your Christmas gift?
Why don't you come by sometime and watch a movie together?
@@ pick up
My computer is on the blink, Can you come by to pick it up?
### 1114
broadside ˈbrɔːdsaɪd 옆으로 (=sideways) (말 또는 글로 하는) 공격
@@ be one's way home from
~ 로 부터 집으로 가는길에
As I got on the freeway, a truck hit me on my way home from work.
On my way home from work, another car hit me broadside and totaled my car.
I was hungry and got some Chinese food on my way home from work.
@@ be totaled
차가 망가지다
I didn't get hurt by a wall, buy my car was completely totaled.
The car was totaled after I had an accident on my way home from work.
The truck was completely totaled from the accident.
(물건·기계 등이) (고장 나다) be out of order; (기계·차 등이) break down, go wrong; (완전히 부서지다) be destroyed, (informal) be totaled, be wrecked
The phone is out of order again. The car was destroyed [totaled; wrecked] in an accident.
(몸매·인생·이미지 등이) be ruined
She ruined her figure after having the baby. Her life was completely ruined because of him.
### 1113
birthplace |bɜːrθpleɪs (특히 유명인의) 생가[출생지]
@@ Did you know ~ is here?
~ 가 여기 있다는 거 알고 계셨어요?
Did you know the birthplace of Pablo Picasso is here?
Did you know that the famous outdoor museum is here?
Did you know that the popular sushi restaurant is here?
@@ It's worth ~
~ 할 할만해요 / ~ 할만한 가치가 있어요
It's worth it.
It's worth the effort.
It's worth the wait.
### 1112
Why don't you give it a second thought? 다시 한 번 생각해 보는게 어때?
reunion riːˈjuːniən (오랫동안 못 본 사람들의 친목) 모임, 동창회
@@ Is this for the / your ~?
이거 ~ 때 쓸거야?
Is this for the meeting?
Is this for your travels?
Is this for the family reunion?
@@ I've almost p.p
나너 거의 ~ 했어
I've almost made up my mind.
I've almost decided what to do.
I've almost finished what I have to do.
### 1111
@@ I'm afraid we have no time for ~
아무래도 우리 ~ 할 시간이 없을 것 같은데
I'm afraid we have no time for that.
I'm afraid we have no time for any delays.
I'm afraid we have no time for crying.
@@ Don't we have (a) ~ to ...?
우리 ... 할 ~ 가 있지 않나?
Don't we have something to talk about?
Don't we have a report to finish by today?
Don't we have something to discuss?
### 1110
@@ live for ~
~ 을 위해 살다
I live for this coffee.
He lives for his work.
There is nothing to live for. 더이상 살아야 할 이유가 없다
@@ come up with
~을 생각해 내다
I came up with a new idea for our menu.
They will come up with a plan until tomorrow.
She tried her best to come up with something.
### 1109
subscription səbˈskrɪpʃn 구독료, 구독
assign əˈsaɪn
The two large classrooms have been assigned to us. The teacher assigned a different task to each of the children.
동사 (일·책임 등을) 맡기다[배정하다/부과하다]
They’ve assigned their best man to the job. British forces have been assigned to help with peacekeeping.
동사 선임하다, 파견하다
I was assigned to B platoon.
동사 (사람을) 배치하다
@@ as well
또한, 역시
My friend likes to exercise in the early morning and in the evening as well.
With my wireless earphone, I can watch sports and listen to music as well.
If I drink coffee, I can increase my work speed as well.
@@ worry about
There is no need to worry about this.
Having few sources of income worries me too much, so I want to invest online.
Homework is assigned every semester, so you don't need to worry about that.
### 1108
@@ hang out
함께 시간을 보내다
I often hang out with my co-workers after work.
I hung out with my friends and went ice skating.
I like hanging out with my friends after class.
@@ must have been
~했음이 틀림없다
That romantic comedy must have been boring for a small kid.
That situation comedy must have been funny last night on TV.
The test must have been very difficult because many students could not pass that exam.
### 1107
bed bug ˈbedbʌɡ 빈대, 침대 벌레
wasp wɑːsp 말벌 a wasp sting , a wasps’ nest She has a wasp waist.
@@ because of ~
~ 때문에
I can't save any money because of my friends who are always borrowing what I have.
Because of my age, it's hard to find a good job.
I can't lose any weight because of the cold weather and the lack of exercise. 조금도
@@ get bitten by
~에게 물리다
Did you ever get bitten by a bee or a wasp?
Did you ever get bitten by a spider?
Did you ever get bitten by a bedbug or a mosquito?
### 1106
lukewarm |luːk│wɔːrm
Our food was only lukewarm.
형용사 미지근한 (=tepid)
a lukewarm response , She was lukewarm about the plan.
형용사 미적지근한, 미온적인
@@ I ~ at least .... a week.
나는 일주일에 적어도 ... 번은 ~ 해
I eat here at least once a week.
I exercise at least three times a week.
I go to the coffee shop at least twice a week.
@@ Would you like it ~ or ... ?
~ 로 드릴까요, 아니면 ... 로
Would you like it normal or spicier?
Would you like it cold or hot?
Would you like it lukewarm or hot?
### 1105
@@ This is exactly what ~ .
이게 ~ 한 바로 그거야
This is exactly what I need right now.
This is exactly what I wanted to hear from you.
This is exactly what I dreamed of.
@@ I'll ~ in return.
내가 보답으로 ~ 할께
I'll buy you lunch in return.
I'll buy you coffee in return.
I'll make you some food in return.
### 1104
switch swɪtʃ
a light switch , an on-off switch ,Which switch do I press to turn it off?
명사 스위치
a switch of priorities , She made the switch from full-time to part-time work when her first child was born.
명사 전환
We’re in the process of switching over to a new system of invoicing. Press these two keys to switch between documents on screen.
동사 전환되다, 바뀌다, 전환하다, 바꾸다
@@ Would you mind -ing
실레가 안 된다면 ~ 해 주시겠어요?
Would you mind switching seats with her?
Would you mind lowering the volume?
Would you mind following me?
@@ Does it happen to be ~ ?
혹시 그게 ~ 인가요?
Does it happen to be a window seat?
Does it happen to be a direct bus to Sarajevo?
Does it happen to be a one-day tour?
### 1103
@@ about to
막 ~ 하려는 참이다
I was about to take a shower.
I was about to ask you if you were free tomorrow.
He was about to call you.
@@ go get
가서 가져오다
Let me go get something to drink.
Let me go get some books to read.
Can you go get some food?
### 1102
quantity kwɑːntəti (세거나 잴 수 있는) 양, 수량, 분량 enormous/vast/huge quantities of food / 다량, 다수 The police found a quantity of drugs at his home
warehouse |werhaʊs 창고 The warehouse has been badly damaged by fire.
@@ take one's order ~의 주문을 받다
If you've decided what to get, may I take your order, please?
I'll take your order if you're ready to eat now.
If you made your selection, I'll take your order them.
@@ in stock
재고가 있다
There are many different models of printers in stock.
They had the latest cell phones of other brand in stock.
The new solar battery chargers were in stock, but they were sold out quickly.
### 1101
on the other hand 반면에 - 앞의 내용을 부정하는것이 아니라 다른 관점에서 바라보고있음
> The car is expensive, On the other hand, it is useful for us.
on the contrary 그러기는 커녕 - 앞의 내용에 반대인 내용이 진짜 라는 뜻을 내포하고 있음
> A: It was fun. B: On the contrary, It was terrible.
in other words 다시말해, 요컨대 - 이미 한말을 더 쉽게 풀이해주기 위해서 덫붙이는 표현 : 앞의 내용과 뒷내용이 동일한 의미인경우
I want to meet you again. in other words I love you.
scalper skǽlpər 머리가죽을 벗기는 사람 scalp skælp 두피 ticket scalper 암표(暗票) 장수
@@ find a way 방법을 찾다
I found a way to solve it online without spending a lot of time doing it.
We found a way to beat the online ticket scalpers.
They found a way for the minimum investment online.
@@ get a discount
할인을 받다
In order to get a discount, you need the store's discount coupon.
By buying "buy one, get one free" items you can get a discount.
You can get a discount if you show them your student ID.
'케이크 : 오늘의 회화 > c : 오늘의 회화 2020' 카테고리의 다른 글
2020.01 (0) | 2020.03.25 |
2019.12 (0) | 2020.03.25 |
2019.10 (0) | 2020.03.25 |
2019.09 (0) | 2020.03.25 |
2019.08 (0) | 2020.03.25 |
- Total
- Today
- Yesterday
- Hey
- Actually
- Excuse me
- I'm glad to hear that.
- Don't worry
- What Happened?
- too.
- Please
- oh
- well
- Sorry
- OKay
- Thanks
- By The Way
- no
- Oh No
- Yes
- work out
- hold on
- I'm sorry
- Tell me about it.
- pick up
- please.
- OK
- I'm not sure
- make it
- Right?
- Sure
- Yeah
- please?
일 | 월 | 화 | 수 | 목 | 금 | 토 |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 |
8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 |
15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 |
22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 |
29 | 30 | 31 |