티스토리 뷰


#. my folks, pops = 가족 호칭?


@ folks 부모님을 뜻하는 은어 : my folks, your folks


Hey, Are you busy this weekend? I'm going skiing, would you like to come along?

> Oh, I'd love to but my folks are coming, so I'm gonna be busy entertaining them all weekend.

That's great! Your parents are in town, your folks, you don't seem too happy though.

> No. I mean, I am, but it's just that it's the winter, and they don't like to go outside that much.

> so I'm just trying to think of things I can do. You know?

Yeah, yeah. I understand. That's all right. We'll go skiing another time.

> Yeah, yeah. For sure. Have fun on the slopes.



@ pop , pops 아빠, 아버지를 뜻하는 은어


Do you want me to pick up some frozen pizza on my way over to your place?

> You know what? Actually my oven is broken at the moment, so if we're gonna have pizza, we better call the delivery guy.

Oh. Well, what are you gonna do? It kind of sucks to not have an oven.

> Yeah, I know. Well, I was thinking of taking it to the shop, but that's a big hassle, and my pop is good at fixing things.

> So I'm just gonna have him come over and take a look at it. I'm sure he'll get it up and running in no time.

Oh, that's sweet, when you can just call your dad, and he comes over and helps you out.

> Yeah. Absolutely, it's great.


  • suck sʌk (액체 공기 등을) 빨아먹다 [마시다] , 엉망이다, 형편없다 / 빨기, 빨아 먹기, 빨아들이기

  • hassle ˈhæsl 귀찮은[번거로운] 상황[일]


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