티스토리 뷰


#. 빵집에서 : 해설


Hi, what can I get for you today?

> Hey there. I'd like one loaf of whole wheat and a loaf of sourdough, please.


The first area that we'll examine are specific counting words that we use at the bakery. Suzanne, what was the counter-word that the customer used for bread? Yeah. Well, he ordered one loaf. One loaf of whole wheat and a loaf of sourdough. Yeah. So because bread is a non-countable noun- we can't say one bread, two bread, three bread- we have to use this special word : loaf.


No problem. Anything else?

> Ooh, those cookies look delicious. What kind are they?

Hmm, double chocolate. They're a fresh batch too. 


Let's move on to the second key area of the conversation. And this is asking for more details, OK? When you visit the bakery, you're going to want to find out more information about an item before you purchase it. 

The customer asked about the cookies, He asked about what kind they were. Yeah, and the baker told him that they were a fresh batch of double chocolate cookies.


> Oh wait. Do they contain nuts?

Nope, they're nut-free.


The third part of this conversation we're going to look at closely today is when the customer confirms the cookie ingredients with the baker. You know, these days, a lot of people don't eat baked goods because they're allergic to some of the ingredients. That's right. It's really true. In the example, it sounds like the customer might have a nut allergy. And in addition to nut allergies, many people might be allergic to gluten, which is something that's in flour, right, or even dairy products. you might be lactose intolerant, and can't consume lactose. So just in case you have an allergy, make sure to always confirm the ingredients of an item or at a bakery or grocery store, or whatever before you eat it, just to be on the safe side.


> Man, well in that case, I'm gonna have to grab some. I'll take a dozen, please.

I gave you a baker's dozen. No extra charge.


At the end of the conversation, Andrew, the baker says, "I gave you a baker's dozen." What does that mean? Is that the same as 12? Yeah, a baker's dozen. This is interesting. This means 13, OK? So baker's dozen means 13, and it's kind of a tradition that if somebody orders a dozen, the baker will give you a baker's dozen at no extra charge.


  • specific  spəˈsɪfɪk  구체적인, 명확한, 분명한 (=precise)   특정한 (=particular)

  • ingredient  ɪnˈɡriːdiənt   (특히 요리 등의) 재료[성분]

  • intolerant  ɪn|tɑːlərənt   (특정한 식품·약품 등을 [에 대해]) 못 먹는 [과민증이 있는]  / 너그럽지 못한, 편협한 (↔tolerant)

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