티스토리 뷰


Day 8 : Can you give me a hand?


# 직접 도와주다 : help  

# 누가 ~하는 것을 거들어주다 : give sb a hand 

# 끝까지 도와주다 help out


Can you give me a hand with this?

> I'd love to, but I'm too busy.

How come you're good at making excuses?

> Don't take it out on me.

All you have to do is just say yes.

> You have to do it yourself to improve your ability.


@ give sb a hand with sth  sb 에게 sth 하는 것을 도와주다

Can you give a hand with this mess?    Let me give you a hand with those bags.  Can I give you a hand with that?


Can you give me a hand with this box?

> Sure. Put that down. I'll do it.


@ make an excuse  변명하다      Do you want me to try to make an excuse for you?

Don't try to make an excuse next time.   He tried to make an excuse to eat the lamb for dinner. 


I'm sorry. The traffic was heavy.

> Stop making lame excuses.


@ take it out on sb … 에게 분풀이하다  Look, take it out on me.   OK, so you had a bad day. Don’t take it out on me.


You're an idiot! What kind of person are you?

> Why do you take it out on me?


@ All you have to do + 동사원형   네가 해야 할 일   All you have to do is insert the floppy disk.  All you have to do is call me.


What do I have to do for you?

> All you have to do is press this button.


  • How come ~?  왜 [어째서]?  ‘I think you owe me some money.’ ‘How come?’  How come you did it?

  • be good at ~  ~을 잘한다

You need manual dexterity to be good at video games.  You need good tactics to be good at this computer game.

  • do sth oneself   스스로 ~ 하다

  • improve one's ability  능력을 키우다

  • idiot ˈɪdiət 바보, 멍청이 (=fool)    When I lost my passport, I felt such an idiot.   Not that switch, you idiot