티스토리 뷰


#. [ 영어 문장 하나 ] - when it comes to / you can't go wrong / better suit your needs





"전반적으로 그냥 일반적인 활용과 목적 면에서는 어느 것으로 하든 나쁜 선택은 아니지만 그런반면에 특별히 필요로 하는 부분이 있다면 조건에 더 맞는 다른 것이 있을 수도 있다."


When it comes to just all around general use and purposes, you really can't go wrong with either option, whereas if you have any specific  requirements, there are some others (option) that might better suit your needs.


  • When it comes to something  ~에 관해서라면 / ~에 대해서 말하자면 / ~ 으로써 말하자면 

    • I don't doubt him when it comes to math.

    • Mary is an expert when it comes to classical music.

    • I tend to be strict to my children when it comes to table manner.

    • No one is logical when it comes to love.

  • all around general use and purposes  전반적으로 봤을때 ~~ 일반적인 활용과 목적

    • all around  다재다능한 / 전반에 걸친 / 전면적인 

    • Fountains are all around the pond.

    • I looked all around for penthouse in the first floor but I can't find one.

  • can't go wrong with something  ~이 잘못된 선택일리가 없다 / 틀릴리가 없다 - 즉 맞다

  • whereas  ˌweərˈæz  그런반면에  Some of the studies show positive results, whereas others do not. 

    • She likes to play it safe whereas I like an adventure.

    • I use water when making pasta whereas my mom uses egg.

    • He is very funny whereas i am boring.