티스토리 뷰


#. 영어 구동사 - "be caught up in" +외 여러가지 표현




"한동안 직장에서 너무 정체가 돼 있는 기분이었어요.  매일 출근을 하지만 아무런 진전이 없는 것 같았어요.  제 업무능력에만 너무 얽매여 있었다는걸 깨달았어요, 그리고 동료들과의 소통을 완전히 잊고 지냈어요 - 같이 일하는 사람들과 가까운 관계를 만들지 않은거죠.  제 발목을 잡고 있던게 바로 그거였던 것 같아요.  근데 그동안 노력을 해서 개선이 좀 된 것 같아요."


For a while, I felt really stuck at my job. I was going to work every day but I just didn't feel like things were moving forward. I realized that I had been so caught up in my job-performance  and I had completely forgotten about connecting with my co-workers, you know, building a close rapport with the people that I work with. I think that was what was holding me back. But I've been working on it and I think I've been making some progress.



한동안 직장에서 너무 정체가 돼 있는 기분이었어요.  

For a while, I felt really stuck at my job.

  • feel stuck at (one's) job  직장에서 (진척이없고) 정체되어있는 기분이다.

  • be stuck (어디에 끼어있다) + 전치사 (대상에 따라서 전치사가 달라집니다.)


매일 출근을 하지만 아무런 진전이 없는 것 같았어요

I was going to work every day but I just didn't feel like things were moving forward.

  • move forward 앞으로 나아가는것 - 진전


제 업무능력에만 너무 얽매여 있었다는걸 깨달았어요,

I realized that I had been so caught up in my job-performance

  • be caught up in + something  무언가에 얽매어 있다 == distraction  dɪˈstrækʃn   집중을 방해하는 것


그리고 동료들과의 소통을 완전히 잊고 지냈어요 - 같이 일하는 사람들과 가까운 관계를 만들지 않은거죠.  

and I had completely forgotten about connecting with my co-workers, you know, building a close rapport with the people that I work with.

  • rapport ræˈpɔː(r)  긴밀한 관계

  • build a rapport 친분을 쌓다.


제 발목을 잡고 있던게 바로 그거였던 것 같아요.  

I think that was what was holding me back.

  • hold (one) back 나의 등에 묶어둔다 - 나의 등을 잡는다 - 지체하게 만들다

  • I think that was holding me back. 그것이 내 발목을 잡고 있는것같아.


근데 그동안 노력을 해서 개선이 좀 된 것 같아요.

But I've been working on it and I think I've been making some progress.

  • work on something 무언가를 더 발전시키기위해서 노력하는거 - 개선하다

  • make progress 실질적인 결과를 낸다 - 발전시키다.



For a while, I felt really stuck in job seeking. I was going to try every day.

But I just didn’t feel like things were moving forward.

I realized that I had been so caught up in my qualification and I had

completely forgotten about emphasizing my experience, you know

describing what I have learned from my university life.

I think that was what was holding me back. But I’ve been working on it and I;

I think I’ve been making some progress.