티스토리 뷰


#. which 관계 대명사 - Part 1 [ 영어회화 ]




영어에서는 which 라는 말을 관계 대명사로 사용하는 경우가 많은데 그 방식과 모습도 다양하다.  자연스러운 문맥, 문장 연결을 위해 필요한 [ which 관계대명사 활용 ], 이번 Part 1에서는 가장 기본을 배워봅니다.


which ( which절로 만들면 보충 설명의 느낌이됨)


I got up around 7 o'clock this morning. It was a little earlier than usual. >>

I got up around 7 o'clock this morning, which was a little earlier than usual.


And then I had breakfast. I don't do that very often unless I'm very hungry. >>

And then I had breakfast, which I don't do very often unless I'm very hungry.


I left home before 8 o'clock and I took the bus. That's how I usually go to work. >>  그것이 방법이다 - 보통 그렇게 출근한다

I left home before 8 o'clock and I took the bus, which is how I usually go to work.


There was a meeting at work in the morning. It lasted more than 2 hours. >>

There was a meeting at work in the morning, which lasted more than 2 hours.


I got off work around 10 pm. That's pretty normal at my company. >>

I got off work around 10 pm, which is pretty normal at my company.