티스토리 뷰


#. [ which 관계대명사 ] - Part 3 [ in which, to which, from which ] - 영어회화




which를 관계대명사로 활용해서 문장을 구성하는 경우는 아주 많다.  이번 영상은 그 중 가장 기본적인 활용을 익히기 위한 시리즈의 Part 3 이다. 이번 Part 3에서는 'which'를 in, to, from, at, of, on 과 같은 전치사와 짝을 지어 사용하는 것에 대한 기본적인 개념을 익혀봅니다.


[ which 관계대명사 ] - Part 3 [ in which, to which, from which ] - 영어회화

전반적으로 포멀한 표현임


These are very common topics in which you are all deeply educated.

(all the these are very common topics, most of which you are deeply educated in.)

  • be educated in + @ ~ 교육을 받은 / 이수한 


We were involved in many different types of work in which we had absolutely no experience.

  • have experience in + @   경험하다

  • be involved in = ~에 관련(관여) 되었다. (상황에 따라)~해야 했다.


She has published many articles throughout her career to which many experts have given a lot of praise (to her).


These are all the books (that) I've read in the last 10 years from which I have gained a lot of knowledge & insight.


in which case = in that case = in this case  그러한 경우라면, 그러한 경우에는

There is a possibility that he knew about it but didn't take any action. in that case, it could turn out to be much more complicated situation.

  • turn out ~ 모습을 드러내다 , 일, 진행 결과가 특정 방식으로 되다


  • that which 주어나 목적어로 사용  =  formal한 문장을 구사할 때 사용

How do you motivate yourself to do that which seems impossible? = 목적어이면서 관계절로 엮으는 역할

(= How do you motivate yourself to do something that seems impossible?)

That which has no direct influence in your career shouldn't be of any priority. = 주어로서 역할