티스토리 뷰


Circus Roncalli is a famous circus in Germany.

The 43-year-old show has many clowns, acrobats, and magicians.

Also, the German circus is famous for its animal acts.

Horses, elephants, and lions thrill and excite the crowd.

However, there is something unique about Circus Roncalli's animals.

That's because they are not real.

Instead, the animals are holograms.

they are made with lights and transparent screens.

In the past, Circus Roncalli used live animals, much like other circuses.

However, many of the circus animals were not happy.

Also, circus life can sometimes be harmful to the animals.

So in 2018, Circus Roncalli came up with a brilliant idea.

It replaced the live animals with hologram animals.

The digital images are enormous, but they are very lifelike.

Audiences say they love the hologram creatures and their magical performances.

They also praise the circus for protecting live animals form harm.


  • lifelike ˈlaɪflaɪk  실물과 똑같은 (=realistic)

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