티스토리 뷰


#. 영어회화 | 연습가이드 #24 (Part 2 of 2) | (영화에 대해서) 아쉬웠던 점 설명하기




It was terrible / awful / horrible / the worst 

I hate it

I really hated the movie.

I can't believe I paid 10 dollars to see that movie.



괜찮았는데 기대만큼은 아니었어

It was OK / alright, but it wasn't as good as I had hoped.

  • I had hoped == I'd hoped.


스토리의 구성이 좀 별로였던것 같아요.

I feel like the story wasn't very well-structured.

  • well-structured 잘 구성된

    • The story is well-structured

  • well-made 잘 만들어진

  • well-paced 페이스조절이 잘 된

  • well-delivered 잘 전달된

  • well-designed 잘 디자인된


생뚱맞은 장면들이 몇 개 있었는데, 그거 때문에 헷갈렸어.

I mean there were a few scenes that didn't make a lot of sense.

  • 생뚱맞은 random / out of the blue

  • make a lot of sense 이치에 맞다

  • didn't make a lot of sense  말이 되지 않았다

  • didn't really make sense

  • didn't make any sense

  • didn't make much sense


그거때문에 혯갈렸어.

They made it very confusing.

It was confusing because of that.

They made the story difficult to understand.


결말도 좀 아쉬웠어요.

I wish the ending was a little better.


I wasn't very happy with...

I was disappointed with...

I wasn't totally satisfied with...

It was shame that ..

It was too bad that.


글쎄요, 저는 별로 공감이 안갔어요.

I don't know, I just couldn't really relate to it.

  • relate to something / someone ~에 공감을 ㅡ하다

  • be relate to ~ 관련있다 / 연관성있다.