티스토리 뷰





#.  연습가이드 #1 | 영어초보라면 이렇게 시작하세요


  1. 문장의 구조

  2. 문장의 시제


시제 - 현재 / 과거 / 미래  


I usually get up at 7(o'clock) Today I got up at 8 Tomorrow I'm going to get up at 6  I usually drink black coffee.

Today I drank a latte.

Next time, I'm going to drink an espresso.  I usually go to bed before midnight.

Last night, I went to bed around 1 o'clock.

Tomorrow, I'm going to go to bed at 10.  I usually eat lunch at the cafeteria.

Today, I ate some bananas in my office.

Tomorrow, I'm going to eat lunch at Burger-king.