티스토리 뷰


Earlier this year, a group of high school girls made headlines in Korea.

Their heroic action saved a man's life.

The incident took place in Busan.

The man parked his car on a very steep hill.

He placed wooden blocks underneath the front tires.

He did this to prevent the car from rolling down the hill.

As he got ready to leave, he removed the wooden blocks.

Suddenly, the car began moving by itself.

What's worse, the man's foot got stuck under a tire.

At that very moment, a local bus passed by the scene.

The driver stopped the bus, and five high school girls jumped out.

The high schoolers got behind the car and kept it from moving down the hill.

Soon, other people rushed to the scene.

Together, they freed the man and stopped the car.

For their brave action, the media nicknamed the teenagers the Busan "Avengers."

Also, the Busan police department gave awards to the high school girls.


  • heroic  həˈrəʊɪk    영웅적인, 용감무쌍한 (=courageous)

  • underneath  |ʌndərniːθ  …의 밑[아래/안]에(특히 다른 것에 가려지거나 덮이는 경우에 씀)

  • What's worse  설상가상으로 , 한 술 더 떠서

  • stuck  stʌk    (…에 빠져) 움직일 수 없는[꼼짝 못하는] ,   (불쾌한 상황·장소에[에서]) 갇힌[빠져나갈 수가 없는] ,   (대답·이해 등에서) 막힌

  • At that very moment  바로 그때

  • schooler   …학생]의 뜻

  • rush to  우하고 몰려오다

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