티스토리 뷰


Youtube is a video-sharing website.

People use it in many different ways.

In the United Kingdom, some videos even help them to become better students.

The videos are made by so-called "StudyTubers."

They are mostly students in high school and university.

These StudyTubers are organized and have excellent study habits.

So, they share their skills through their online videos.

Many StudyTubers upload entire study sessions from beginning to end.

Their followers can then learn how to plan their own study time.

Usually, StudyTubers begin by making a checklist of study tasks.

This way, they always know exactly what they have to do.

Then, they go through different study tasks, one by one.

For example, they review their notes from their class or make outlines for their essays.

Sometimes, they memorize information and then practice with flashcards.

StudyTubers and their videos have become popular among British students.

These fans say they can pick up good study tips through the videos.

Then, they are able to make the most of their own study sessions.


  • organize  |ɔːrɡənaɪz  (어떤 일을) 준비[조직]하다  (특정한 순서·구조로) 정리하다, 체계화[구조화]하다

  • make the most of  …을 최대한으로 활용하다, 가급적 이용하다

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