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#. Company Logos Encourage Social Distancing


People in Korea and around the world are staying home to prevent the spread of the coronavirus.

Recently, corporations also emphasized the importance of social distancing.

They modified the design of their logos in novel ways to get the message across.

Here are some memorable logo changes put forth by global companies.

@ Audi and Volkswagen

German automakers Audi and Volkswagen tweaked their logos in similar ways.

Audi took the rings in its logos and separated them so that they no longer overlapped.

Meanwhile, Volkswagen placed some distance between the "V" and "W" that make up its logo.

@ Hyundai

The Korean automaker took a different approach from the German companies.

According to Hyundai, the letter "H" at the center of its logo symbolized two people shaking hands.

In the modified logo, the two people are shown doing an elbow bump instead.

@ McDonald's

Fast-food giant McDonald's took a similar approach as Audi and Volkswagen.

The company has long been known for its yellow "Golden Aches" logo.

Its branch office in Brazil separated the two arches and posted the picture on its Facebook page.

@ KakaoTalk

In late March, Korea's messaging app KakaoTalk changed the image on its splash screen.

When users logged on, they were met with Ryan, the app's popular emoticon character.

This time, however, Ryan was shown looking at the user while wearing a mask.

@ Chiquita

Chiquita is one of the world's biggest distributors of bananas and other produce.

Its logo usually show Miss Chiquita, a smiling woman with a basket of fruits on her head.

Recently, the company removed its famous representative from its logo and posted the changed logo on Instagram.

"I'm already home. Please do the same and protect yourself," the caption read.

distributor @ dɪˈstrɪbjətə 배급[판매/유통] 업자[회사]

v. distribute 1.(사람들에게) 나누어 주다, 분배하다   2.(상품을) 유통시키다   3.(어느 범위에 걸쳐) 나누어 퍼뜨리다

Chiquita is one of the world's biggest distributors of bananas and other produce.

@ produce prə|dju:s

1.(상품을 특히 대량으로) 생산하다   2.(농작물 등을) 생산하다; (자식새끼를) 낳다   3.생산물, (특히) 농작물

Japan’s largest software distributor 


overlap @ ˈəʊvəlæp 1.겹치다; 겹쳐지다, 포개지다   2.겹치게 하다, 포개다   3.(관심지식책임 등의) 공통부분

Audi took the rings in its logos and separated them so that they no longer overlapped.

The floor was protected with overlapping sheets of newspaper. 

You will need to overlap the pieces of wood slightly.


tweak  @  twiːk  1.(갑자기) 잡아당기다, 비틀다   2.(기계시스템 등을 약간) 수정하다   3.잡아당기기, 비틀기

German automakers Audi and Volkswagen tweaked their logos in similar ways.

She tweaked his ear playfully. @ playfully 희롱조로 , 농담으로 , 재미있게.

I think you’ll have to tweak these figures a little before you show them to the boss


@ put something forth : to make a strong physical or mental effort to do something

Here are some memorable logo changes put forth by global companies.

The mulberry trees have put forth their young green leaves @ mulberry mʌlberi  뽕나무, 오디


put forth  제시하다, 제출하다 /  발휘하다

He put forth an argument that was illogical[didn't make any sense]. 


get across  1.…을 건너다; (건너편으로) 횡단하다, 건너가다   2.[이야기·농담 따위]를 (청중 등에게) 알게 하다, 이해시키다; 통하다, 이해되다[to]

They modified the design of their logos in novel ways to get the message across.

That's the message I want to get across.


novel  @ ˈnɑːvl   1.(장편) 소설   2.(이전에 볼 수 없던) 새로운, 신기한, 기발한

They modified the design of their logos in novel ways to get the message across.

novel feature ,