티스토리 뷰


#. Tour de France Moved to Korea?


On April 1, there was surprising news on a website in France.

The French magazine Le Point revealed that Korea would host this year's Tour de France.

The Tour de France is the world's most prestigious bicycle race.

Cyclists compete in the 4,000-kilometer race for three weeks in July.

According to Le Point, the coronavirus crisis led to a blockade in the country.

It was likely that the event would be postponed for at least a few months.

So, the website said Korea was being considered as an alternative location for the race.

The Asian nation has been praised for its successful fight against the coronavirus outbreak.

According to the article, the organizers of the Tour de France and the Korean government reached an agreement.

It also included very detailed information about the plan.

Alas, it turned out that the news was not true.

No such discussions were in progress.

In fact, the entire article was an April-Fools' Day prank.

Many people criticized the magazine and said the prank was in poor taste.

Indeed, because the world is suffering from a serious pandemic, there was an implicit agreement among companies to avoid silly jokes this year.

prestigious  preˈstɪdʒəs 명망 있는[높은], 일류의

The Tour de France is the world's most prestigious bicycle race.

prestigious award , a prestigious university , It's one of the most prestigious schools in the country.


blockade  blɑː|keɪd 1.(특히 항구의) 봉쇄   2.(출입) 차단, 봉쇄   3.(특히 항구를) 봉쇄하다

According to Le Point, the coronavirus crisis led to a blockade in the country.

The police set up blockades on highways leading out of the city


a poor taste 좋지 못한 취향. In poor taste 고상하지 못하게

Many people criticized the magazine and said the prank was in poor taste.

Most of his jokes were in very poor taste.

Her remarks were in very poor taste. 


Indeed  1.(긍정적인 진술·대답을 강조하여) 정말,실제로   2.(‘very+ 형용사/부사’ 뒤에서 진술·묘사 등을 강조하여) 정말   3.(진술 내용을 덧붙일 때) 사실

don’t mind at all. Indeed, I would be delighted to help. 

Indeed, economists have found many ways that the K-pop group is having an impact on the Korean economy.

Indeed, in the weeks after the new law took effect, the number of DUI offenses was reportedly down by 19 percent.


implicit  ɪmˈplɪsɪt 1.암시된, 내포된   2.(직접 표현되지 않더라도) 내포되는   3.절대적인, 무조건적인

Indeed, because the world is suffering from a serious pandemic, there was an implicit agreement among companies to avoid silly jokes this year.

Implicit in his speech was the assumption that they were guilty.

The ability to listen is implicit in the teacher’s role.

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