티스토리 뷰


Many people love to talk and write about new movies.

However, there are always some people who have not seen these films yet.

So, people wonder whether it is okay to talk and write about new movies.

Some people think it's not okay to discuss new movies in public.

They claim that this spoils the movies for others.

These people will not want to watch the movies because they already know the surprise endings or plot twists.

Some people also claim that spoilers do harm to movie companies.

If people already know what happens in the story, they will be less likely to pay to see the movie for themselves.

Then, movie companies will lose money in ticket sales and advertisements.

However, other people say it is fine to talk and write about new movies.

They do not think that people will stop watching these movies just because they know some details beforehand.

In fact, some people insist that spoilers can actually be beneficial to movie companies.

They help to create a buzz for a new film.

Then, more people will become curious about the movie and head to the movie theaters.


@ spoil spɔɪl  망치다 Our camping trip was spoilt by bad weather.  Don’t let him spoil your evening.

@ plot plɑːt

  • 1. a conventional plot about love and marriage  The book is well organized in terms of plot.

    명사   (소설극영화 등의) 구성[플롯/줄거리]

  • 2.

    명사   음모 (=conspiracy)

  • 3. They were plotting to overthrow the government.

    동사  (특히 정부국가 지도자에 대한 전복반역을) 음모[모의]하다 (=conspire)


@ harm hɑːrm

  • 1. He would never frighten anyone or cause them any harm.  He may look fierce, but he means no harm.

    명사   해, 피해, 손해

  • 2. He would never harm anyone.  Pollution can harm marine life.

    동사   해치다, 해를 끼치다, 손상시키다

@ beforehand  |fɔːrhænd   사전에, … 전에 미리  I wish we’d known about it beforehand.

@ buzz bʌz 윙윙거리다 / 수군거림, 소문

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