티스토리 뷰


Day 72. You don't wanna do that  안하는게 좋아


You don't wanna + VR :  ~ 하지 않는게 좋을 거야

You don't wanna know., You're better off not knwoing.


Telegram is all the rage among Korean people.

> Call me old-fashioned, but I don't use Telegram.

You don't wanna do that. People would play you for a fool.

> No wonder they weren't answering my texts.

You can download the app online. You can't miss it.

> I see your point, but what's the big deal.


  • be all the rage  엄청나게 유행하다

We've been waiting in line for an hour. Is it worth the wait?

> You bet! It's all the rage around here.


  • You don't wanna + VR

He's the one who spoils the fun in the office.

> You don't wanna bring up the topic around him.


  • play somebody for a fool …를 바보 취급하다(=ridicule somebody)

He played me for a fool. He tried to charge me 500 bucks.

> Bastard! So you can't judge a book by its cover.


  • You can't miss it 곧[금방] 알 수 있어 / 찾기 쉬워요

Excuse me. Where's the nearest bookstore?

> Go straight and turn right. You can't miss it.

rage  reɪdʒ  1.격렬한 분노, 격노   2.(특정 상황에 격분하여 일으킨) 폭력 사태   3.(특히 고함을 지르며) 몹시 화를 내다

You bet!  물론이지[바로 그거야]

spoil spɔɪl  1.망치다, 버려 놓다, 못쓰게 만들다   2.(아이를) 응석받이로 키우다   3.약탈품, 전리품

bring something up 1.(화제를) 꺼내다   2.토하다, 게우다

bring somebody up (예의범절을 가르쳐 가며) ~를 기르다[양육하다] , (법정에) 소환하다

buck bʌk 1.(미국호주뉴질랜드의) 달러; (남아프리카공화국의) 랜드; (인도의) 루피   2.수사슴; 수토끼   3.날뛰다

Bastard |bӕstərd 1.사생아, 서자   2.새끼, 녀석, 개자식