티스토리 뷰


What would happen if cows had zebra stripes?

Japanese scientists recently studied this unusual question and made interesting discoveries.

The scientists drew black-and-white stripes on a cow and compared it to other cows.

The cow with the stripes attracted 50 percent  fewer flies than the other cows.

It was already known that the stripes on zebras were camouflage that confused the flies.

Now, the scientists learned that the same pattern can help cows, too.

Currently, fly bites cause cows great harm.

They huddle in big groups to avoid flies.

Unfortunately, being in big groups can cause cows to overheat or injure themselves.

Some farmers even spray pesticides to fight flies, but this can harm the animals.

The scientists hope that their discovery could help alleviate the problem.

So someday in the future, it may be common to see cows in zebra stripes everywhere.


  • camouflage   ˈkæməflɑːʒ   위장하다, 감추다 /   (군인장비의) 위장  huddle  ˈhʌdl  (보통 춥거나 무서워서) 옹송그리며 모이다 /   옹기종기 모여 서 있는 것

  • pesticide  ˈpestɪsaɪd   살충제, 농약 (→herbicide, insecticide)  alleviate  əˈliːvieɪt  완화하다 (=ease) 

  • be common to see  흔히 볼 수 있다

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