티스토리 뷰
#. Blind Hiring
These days, more and more companies are practicing blind hiring.
This is a process in which a job candidate is judged only by the skills and experience that are relevant to the position.
For this to take place, all other identifiable details are removed from a job candidate's application so that they do not influence the recruitment process.
These details can include name, gender, education, age, and personal interests.
Many companies prefer to use the blind hiring process.
They say that it ensures that the best person is consistently chosen for the job.
That is because the recruiters are not distracted by qualities irrelevant to the position.
Instead, the recruiters can be confident that they are judging candidates strictly based on merit.
Many job applicants also support the use of blind recruitment.
They say that details such as age and education too often lead to bias among recruiters.
As a result, some qualified candidates will get discriminated against, and the hiring process will lose its objectivity.
On the other hand, some companies are skeptical that blind hiring would lead to better results.
Rather, they say that personal details are important in assessing the character and personality of a candidate, along with his or her technical skills.
By dismissing these personal details, recruiters could choose a person who may be highly qualified and yet still be the wrong person for the job.
In addition, some people believe that there is always going to be some amount of subjectivity when evaluating someone.
This is only natural since recruiters are human and have their preferences.
So, these people argue that it is better to be honest and upfront about these biases instead of pretending that a hiring process is truly objective.
practice ˈpræktɪs 실행, 실천 / (일상적으로) 행하다, 생활화하다, 실천하다, 연습[실습]하다
practicing prǽktisiŋ (현재) 활동하고 있는, 개업하고 있는, 종교의 가르침을 실천하고 있는
relevant ˈreləvənt 관련 있는, 적절한 (↔irrelevant) , 의의가 있는 [유의미한]
identifiable aɪˌdentɪˈfaɪəbl 인식 가능한, 알아볼 수 있는 (↔unidentifiable)
identify aɪˈdentɪfaɪ (신원 등을) 확인하다 [알아보다] , 알아보게 [인정하게] 하다
influence ˈɪnfluəns 영향, 영향력 / (사람의 행동 사고에) 영향을 주다 [미치다]
recruitment rikrú:tmənt 신병 모집, 신규 모집, 채용, 보충 recruiter 모집하는 사람.
consistently 일관되게, 착실히, 끊임없이, 항상
consistent kənˈsɪstənt 한결같은, 일관된, 거듭되는, 변함없는
distract dɪˈstrækt (정신이) 집중이 안 되게 [산만하게/산란하게] 하다, (주의를) 딴 데로 돌리다 (=divert)
distraction dɪˈstrækʃn (주의) 집중을 방해하는 것, 머리를 식히게 해 주는 것
irrelevant ɪˈreləvənt 무관한, 상관없는 (↔relevant)
confident |kɑːnfɪdənt 자신감 있는 (→self-confident) , (전적으로) 확신하는
merit ˈmerɪt 훌륭함 (=worth) , 가치 있는 [훌륭한] 요소, 장점 (=strength) / (칭찬 관심 등을) 받을 만하다 [자격/가치가 있다] (=deserve)
lead to ~로 이어지다 bias ˈbaɪəs 편견, 편향 / 편견[선입견]을 갖게 하다 (=prejudice)
as a result 결과적으로 as a result of … 의 결과로써
discriminate dɪˈskrɪmɪneɪt 식별[구별]하다 (=differentiate, distinguish) 차별하다
discrimination dɪˌskrɪmɪˈneɪʃn 차별 (→positive discrimination)
objectivity ɑ̀bdƷiktívəti 객관성, 객관적 타당성(opp. subjectivity) 객관적 실재(성)(opp. subjectivity)
objective əbˈdʒektɪv 목적, 목표 (=goal) / 객관적인 (↔subjective), (=unbiased)
in all objective 매우 객관적으로
assess əˈses (특성·자질 등을) 재다 [가늠하다] (가치·양을) 평가[사정]하다 (=estimate)
personality |pɜːrsə│næləti 성격, 인격, (매력적이고 흥미로운) 개성, 유명인(특히 연예인·스포츠 선수), (=celebrity)
dismiss dɪsˈmɪs (고려할 가치가 없다고) 묵살[일축]하다 (=wave aside) (생각·느낌을) 떨쳐 버리다 , 해고하다 (=fire, sack)
evaluate ɪˈvæljueɪt (양·가치·품질 등을) 평가하다 [감정하다] (=assess)
upfront ˌʌpˈfrʌnt 솔직한 (=honest, frank) 선불의 (→up front at front)
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- too.
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