talk 81. 나 살이 좀 쪘어 I gained some weight. gain weight : 체중이 늘다, 살찌다 =/ lose weight > You don't look like you did. > Really? How come? 어째서? = why She didn't gain any weight. My dad wants to gain a bit of weight. I gained a lot of weight during the holidays. Do you think I gained weight? I'm trying to consume more calories to gain weight. consume kən|suːm 1.(특히 연료·에너지·시간을) 소모하다 2. 먹다; 마시다 3.(강렬한 감정..
talk 80. 시비 걸지 마 Stop picking fights. pick a fight / pick fights 시비 걸다 * pick : 일으키다 fight : 싸움 , 시비 pick a fight with someone ~에게 시비를 걸다 > I'm not trying to pick a fight! > You started it first. Don't pick a fight with him. She never picked a fight in her life. You're always picking fights with people. Are you picking a fight with me? That girl is known for picking fights with all her classmates.
talk 79. 그럴 운명이었던 거야 It was meant to be. (be) meant to be 운명이다, 인연이다 * 운명 : fate, destiny meant to : ~할 셈이었다 be : 존재하다 > You're absolutely right. > Do you really think so? It wasn't meant to be. We were not meant to be. What happened was meant to be. Was it really meant to be? I thought I got that job, but I guess it wasn't meant to be.
talk 78. 그녀는 정말 착해 She wouldn't hurt a fly. would not hurt a fly 매우 온순하다, 착하다 hurt : 다치게 하다 fly : 파리 > I can tell. 그래 보여 She seems so nice. > I never knew that about her. 그녀가 그런 사람인지 전혀 몰랐어 My brother wouldn't hurt a fly. Jayden is caring and wouldn't hurt a fly. Jane is a girl who wouldn't hurt a fly. Don't worry, the kids wouldn't hurt a fly. My dog looks mean but he wouldn't hurt a fly. carin..
talk 77. 매우 쉬워요 It's a breeze. = It's so easy. a breeze 식은 죽 먹기, 누어서 떡 먹기 : breeze 산들바람, 미풍 아주 쉬운 = a breeze , a piece of cake , a cinch , no sweat > Are you sure? > Thank goodness. 천만다행이네 The test was a total breeze. The climb was a breeze. That entrance exam was definitely not a breeze. Why did you think it was a breeze? It turned out that the job interview was an absolute breeze. turn out … 인..
talk 76. 놀리지 말아요 Stop teasing me. = make fun of tease (someone) : (악의 없이) 누구를 놀리다, 장난하다 > Okay, fine. > But it's so funny! She teases me all the time. I teased him about his hair. They never teased Tom. Why are you always teasing me? I don't like him because he's always teasing me in front of everyone.
talk 75. 비켜! Get out of the way! get out of the way 비키다, 방해하지 않다 get out of one's way (누구의 길을) 비켜주다, (누군가 하는 일을) 방해하지 않다 get out 빠져나가다 / of the way 길의 > Oh, sorry. > I'm trying. You should get out of her way. They were getting out of my way. I'll just get out of your way. Why didn't you get out of the way? There's so many people it's hard to get out of the way.
talk 74. 넌 귀가 참 얇아 You're so gullible. be gullible 잘 속다 ˈɡʌləbl 남을 잘 믿는, 잘 속아 넘어가는 (=naive) be a gullible person : 잘 속는 사람 > No, I'm not. > You're right. I shouldn't believe him anymore. He's too gullible. Tom isn't gullible at all. They aren't as gullible as you think. How can you be so gullible?? A lot of people have told me that I'm gullible.
- Total
- Today
- Yesterday
- Please
- please?
- hold on
- well
- too.
- OK
- I'm sorry
- no
- Thanks
- I'm glad to hear that.
- OKay
- What Happened?
- Actually
- Excuse me
- Oh No
- Hey
- pick up
- Sure
- By The Way
- work out
- Sorry
- oh
- make it
- Don't worry
- Right?
- please.
- Yeah
- Tell me about it.
- Yes
- I'm not sure
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