티스토리 뷰


Day 46 : How did it go?   어떻게 됐어?


go '어떤 일이나 상황이 진행되다' 

How is it going? 요즘 하는 일 어때?   What's going on?  상황이 어떻게 돌아가?


When was the last time you got a medical checkup?

> Two months ago. I get it at my company every year. How did it go this time?

Not good. My blood pressure went up a bit. You've been under a lot of stress lately.

> I should take good care of my health.


@ When was the last time + S + 과거 V?


When was the last time you emailed me?

> Let me see. Two days ago.


@ get a medical checkup


I have to go to the dentist to get a regular checkup.

> You're taking good care of your teeth.


@ How did sth go?


How did your exam go?

> I don't think I did well.


@ be under a lot of stress


I've been under a lot of stress at work these days.

> Take it a little easier for a while.


  • Take it a little easier 좀 쉬어라.