티스토리 뷰


Day 44 : I'm sick of this 정말 질렸어


무언가에 지겹거나 진절머리가 날 때 사용하는 표현

Just thinking of it makes me sick. 생각만 해도 지긋지긋해


Why the upset tone in your voice?

> Our wedding photos are all messed up.

Good thing we didn't pay for it yet.

> I choose this studio because I heard it was popular.

You must have really freaked out.

> I'm sick of complaining about this.


@ Why the + N ?


Why the long face? 왜 우울한 표정이야?

I had an argument with my wife.


@ Good thing S + V


The rain is coming down outside.

Good thing we came home early.


@ freak out


Please stop ignoring my texts.

Every word you say is freaking me out.


@ be sick of + N (-ing)


Don't you think it's unfair?

> Please, stop. I'm sick of your complaints.


  • mess up  (~을) 엉망으로 만들다 [다 망치다]   freak out  환각제를 먹다, 환각 증상이 되다, 흥분하다