티스토리 뷰


Day 35 : My back is killing me  허리 아파 죽겠어


'~ 가 날 아프게 해' : something + be - + killing me

Too much love will kill you.


How long will it take to get the shopping done?

> I'm almost done. It'll just take a second.

I've had it. My back is killing me.

> You'd better go get some rest in the lounge.

Two hours have passed in the blink of an eye.

> Cut me some slack, please.


@... is killing me


I had a cold and my throat is killing me.

> why not o see a doctor?


@ get some rest


I've suffered from a headache for the last two days.

> Why don't you go home early and get some rest?


@ in the blink of an eye


I think our kids grow up so fast.

> Time flies in the blink of an eye.


@ cut sb some slack


Can you pay back my money within a week?

> I'm totally broke. Would you cut me some slack?


  • blink  blɪŋk  눈을[눈이] 깜박이다 (→wink)  slack  slæk   느슨한, (느슨하게) 늘어진 [처진] (=loose)  suffer ˈsʌfə  (질병·고통·슬픔·결핍 등에) 시달리다, 고통받다

  • have had it (with something)   지긋지긋하다 , ~ 에 질리다