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#. Blow away


Hey guys! Today's English expression is "blow away." When something blows you away, or when you are blown away by something, it means that you are very impressed, amazed, or excited about it. It's used to show your strong emotion about something. It is mostly used in positive situations, but it can be used in negative situations. Now listen to a conversation between two friends talking about movies. Listen closely for the expression "blow away."


Are you excited for the new James Bond movie?

> I can't wait. The last one completely blew me away. The action scenes were amazing.

I thought so too! I don't get blown away by movies often, but that one was just so good.

> What other movies have blown you away?

Well, I'm a huge Star Wars fan so those movies always blow me away.


So, do you remember when we use the expression "blow away"? Right, it's used when something really impresses, amazes, or excites you. This is a very common expression and you'll hear it in everyday English. Try to use this expression the next time you're impressed, amazed, or excited about something. Thanks for listening and see you next time.


'Cake : middle > 루크쌤의 Quick English' 카테고리의 다른 글

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