티스토리 뷰


#. Up in the air


Hello everyone! Today's English expression is "up in the air" "up in the air" means to be undecided or uncertain about something. It's often used to talk about plans that are undecided or uncertain. Now listen to a dialogue between two friends talking about their vacation plans. Listen closely for the expression "up in the air."


Have you decided where you're gonna go on vacation this summer?

> No, we haven't fully decided yet. My wife wants to go to Italy, but I want to go to Hawaii.

So, it's still up in the air then?

> Yeah, right. How about you?

Well, my boss hasn't confirmed my vacation time yet. So, my plans are up in the air as well.

> But where would you like to go?

I would love to go to Brazil!


Okay. Don't forget we use "up in the air' when a plan is not fully decided or a plan is uncertain. Try to use this expression the next time you're talking about your plans in English. Thanks for listening and see you next time.


'Cake : middle > 루크쌤의 Quick English' 카테고리의 다른 글

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