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#. ask out


Hey guys! Today's English phrasal verb is "ask out." "Ask out" means to invite someone to go out with you to a cinema, restaurant, bar, and so on usually in a romantic way. "Ask out" is often used when you invite someone on a date for the fist time. Now listen to a dialogue between two friends talking about a girl. Listen closely for the phrasal verb "ask out."


Hey Jack, why are you smiling so much?

> Well, you'll never guess what just happened. Lucy just asked me out on a date!

Wow! That's awesome.

> I know. I've wanted to ask her out for a long time, but I didn't think she liked me.

And she asked you out! I thought she was way out of your league.

> Hey, I'm a good looking guy!


OK everyone, "ask out" means to invite someone out usually in a romantic way. This phrasal verb is very common in everyday English when you talk about a romantic date or a romantic relationship between two people. Try to use this expression the next time you're talking about a romantic date. Thanks for listening and see you next time.


'Cake : middle > 루크쌤의 Quick English' 카테고리의 다른 글

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