티스토리 뷰
Athletes spend their whole lives training to master a sport.
Most of these sports are not only competitive but also physically challenging.
Some sports, however, are so demanding that they actually place the athlete in harm's way.
Boxers, for instance, are constantly getting injured and sometimes even killed in the ring.
American football, which requires players to wear helmets and heavy padding, has also come under fire for being too violent.
Indeed, some people say that there is no place in the world for such violent sports anymore.
They say that sports like boxing and American football are simply too dangerous for the athletes.
There is no reason for a person to be placed at physical risk in order to play any game.
Also, the critics say that these dangerous sports send out a bad message.
Fans of the sports may learn that violent behavior is an acceptable part of society.
This can especially influence younger fans, who may not completely understand what they are seeing.
On the other hand, there are many people who have no problem with these violent sports.
They say that the sports have strict rules to keep the players safe.
Also, they wear various padding and gear to protect themselves from harm.
Furthermore, these supporters say that the controversial sports actually send out a positive message.
They show how violent behavior can be controlled and turned into something productive.
For example, by watching an athlete overcome physical obstacles, the fans learn many things about resilience.
@ place A in harm's way A를 해롭게 하다
@ for instance = for example = to give an example / instance 예를 들면
@ come / be under fire 비난을 받다, 빈축을 사다 The health minister has come under fire from all sides.
@ Indeed 참으로, 실(제)로
@ be placed at ~에 놓이다 / ~에 배치되다
@ On the other hand 다른 한편으로는, 반면에 Warehouse stores, on the other hand, take a no-frills approach.
@ controversial ˌkɑːntrəˈvɜːrʃl 논란이 많은 (↔non-controversial, uncontroversial)
@ productive prəˈdʌktɪv
highly productive farming land , productive workers
형용사 (상품·작물을 특히 대량으로) 생산[산출]하는 (↔unproductive)
a productive meeting , My time spent in the library was very productive.
형용사 결실 있는, 생산적인 (=fruitful) (→counterproductive)
@ obstacles |ɑːbstəkl 장애 (=hindrance)
@ resilience rɪˈzɪliəns (충격·부상 등에서의) 회복력 She has recovered her resilience.
@ demanding dɪ|mændɪŋ 부담이 큰, 힘든 The work is physically demanding.
difficult / hard / challenging / demanding / taxing / testing
이 단어들은 모두 무엇이 하기에 쉽지 않고 많은 노력이나 기술이 필요함을 나타낸다.
difficult 어려운, 쉽지 않은; (노력ㆍ기술이 필요해서) 힘든:
The exam questions were quite difficult. 그 시험 문제들은 상당히 어려웠다.
It is difficult for young people to find jobs around here. 이 인근에서는 젊은 사람들이 일자리를 구하기가 힘들다.
hard 어려운, 쉽지 않은; (노력ㆍ기술이 필요해서) 힘든:
I always found languages quite hard at school. 나는 학교 다닐 때 어학은 항상 좀 어려웠다.
It was one of the hardest things I ever did. 그것은 일찍이 내가 한 가장 힘든 일 가운데 하나였다.
difficult or hard?
hard는 difficult보다 약간 덜 격식적이다. 이것은 특히 hard to believe / say / find / take (믿기 / 말하기[알기] / 찾기 / 받아들이기 힘든) 등과 같은 구조에서 쓰인다. difficult도 이들 용례들 중 어디에서나 쓰일 수 있기는 하다.
challenging (호감) 흥미롭게 자신의 능력을 시험해 볼 수 있는 방식으로 힘듦을 나타낸다.
demanding 하거나 다루기 힘들고, 많은 노력ㆍ기술ㆍ인내가 필요함을 나타낸다:
It is a technically demanding piece of music to play. 그것은 기술적으로 연주하기가 힘든 음악 작품이다.
taxing (흔히 부정문에서 쓰임) 하기 힘들고 많은 정신적ㆍ육체적 노력이 필요함을 나타낸다:
This shouldn’t be too taxing for you. 이것은 당신에게 별로 부담스럽지 않을 거예요.
testing 다루기 힘들어서 특정한 강인함이나 능력이 필요함을 나타낸다:
It was a testing time for us all. 그때는 우리 모두에게 힘겨운 시기였다.
demanding, taxing or testing? demanding이 이 단어들 중 가장 뜻이 강하고, 과업이나 경험을 묘사할 때 쓰인다. demanding/은 흔히 more나 most 또는 어떻게 힘든지를 나타내는 부사와 함께 쓰인다. taxing은 특히 부정문에서, 정신적인 노력을 필요로 하는 (또는 필요로 하지 않는) 문제나 과업에 대해 쓰인다. testing은 어떤 과업이 아닌 경험을 묘사하고, 특히 time, week, year와 함께 쓰인다.
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