티스토리 뷰


@ Can A.I. Practice Law?


These days, artificial intelligence is a part of society in many different ways.

Now, A.I. machines are slowly being introduced into the legal world.

These incredibly sophisticated programs may one day be utilized in the courtroom as both lawyer and judge.


@ A.I. Lawyer


On August 26, a peculiar competition for lawyers took place in Seoul.

Placed in 12 teams, the lawyers were given employment contracts and asked to analyze them for problems.

Three of the teams were helped by Alpha Law, an A.I. program with legal expertise.

According to its programmers, Alpha Law learned about the law through a machine process called deep learning.

It was also programmed with the ability to deduce and reason when given legal information.

To everyone's surprise, the Alpha Law teams beat out all the other teams, finishing the competition with the three highest scores.

What's more, one of the Alpha Law teams was composed of people with no legal expertise.

Still, this team without any human lawyers came in third place.


@ A.I. Judge


The East European country of Estonia is planning various ways to introduce A.I. to the country.

One of these ways is to crate an A.I. judge for its courtrooms.

The "robot judge" will be used in small claims courts.

It will preside over legal disputes that are less than 8,000 dollars, or about 9.7 million Korean won.

The A.I. program will analyze related documents on a case.

Then, it will issue a decision that will later be confirmed by a human judge.

Estonia hopes this would solve the backlog of smaller cases and allow human judges and court clerks to concentrate on more serious disputes.


  • sophisticated səˈfɪstɪkeɪtɪd  세련된, 교양 있는 (→naive) / 정교한, 복잡한 /  지적인, 수준 높은 (↔unsophisticated)

  • courtroom  |kɔːrtruːm  법정

  • peculiar pɪˈkjuːliə(r)  (특히 불쾌하거나 걱정스러울 정도로) 이상한[기이한] (=odd) (→odd) /   (~에) 특유한[고유한/독특한]

  • expertise  |ekspɜːrtiːz  전문 지식[기술]

  • deduce  dɪˈduːs  추론[추정]하다, 연역하다 (=infer) (→deduction)

  • reason  ˈriːzn  이유, 까닭, 사유 /  근거 /   (논리적인 근거에 따라) 판단하다, 추리[추론]하다

  • What's more  한 술 더 떠서 / 게다가

  • small claims court  소액 재판소 * claim 주장하다

  • preside  prɪˈzaɪd  (회의·의식 등을) 주재[주도]하다   * preside over  …의 사회를 보다./ 주재하다

  • backlog  |bæklɔːɡ  밀린 일

  • dispute   분쟁, 분규, 논란, 논쟁 /  반박하다, 이의를 제기하다