티스토리 뷰


#. " 최대한 " ➠ 다양한 예문으로 말하기 연습




1. “최대한” + 어떻게 하겠다 (어떤 하나의 목표가 있는 상황)


(상대방의 요구/요청에 대해서) 최대한 맞춰 볼게요 

I’ll do my best.


최대한 ___ 해 볼게요.

I’ll do my best + to do something


최대한 시간 맞춰 갈게요.

I’ll do my best to get there in time.

@ in time 늦지 않게 / on time 약속한 시간에 맞춰서


기한에 최대한 맞춰 보겠습니다.

I’ll do my best to meet the deadline.

@ 기한에 맞춰서 일을 끝내다 meet the deadline


내가 꼭 보답할게

I’ll do my best to make it up to you.

@ 꼭 do one’s best to ..  / make sure


2. 최대한 + 많이 / 빨리 / 일찍


최대한 일찍 갈게

I’ll be(get) there as soon as I can.


내가 최대한 많이 먹을게

I’ll eat as much as I can.


나 최대한 많이 먹었어

I ate as much as I could.


나 기다릴 만큼 기다렸어

I waited as long as I could.


나 할만큼 했어

I’ve done as much as I could.


much / many + @  / 무엇 @ 을 최대한 많이


정보를 최대한 많이 모았어

I collected (gathered) as much information as I could.

@ 정보 얼만큼 모았어?  How much information did you gather / collect?


돈을 최대한 많이 아껴야 돼

We have to save as much money as we can.


약속을 했으면 최대한 지켜야 돼

You have to do your best to keep your promises.

When you make a promise, you need to do your best to keep it.


너를 잊기 위해 최대한 많은 남자를 만날거야

I’ll meet as many men as I can to forget you.


I’ll do my best to raise my son properly.

When you get there, take as many pictures as you can.

I’ll get things done as soon as I can.

@ get things done 할일을 끝내다

I’ll find out as much as I can.

I will do my best to support my daughter.

My married daughter comes home as often as she can to get side dishes.


나 오늘 운동을 최대한 많이 했어

I did / got as much exercise as I could today.