티스토리 뷰


In late 2019, BBC made a list of influential woman in the world.

On the list was a Korean woman named Lee Soo-jung.

She is one of the top criminal profilers of the nation.

Criminal profiers are a kind of forensic psychologist.

These psychologists study how people think and behave in relation to the law.

Among them, criminal profilers specifically focus on solving criminal cases.

Criminal profilers work with the police and prosecutors.

They help to look for suspects and capture criminals.

They also try to understand the motives of criminals.

Lee, for example, has worked as a criminal profiler and forensic psychologist for 20 years.

She has helped chase down many wrongdoers and solve major cases.

She has played a big role in keeping the country safe.

Students wishing to become criminal profilers should have certain qualities.

They should be curious about the world and be very organized.

Also, they must be willing to face difficult and dangerous situations.

Furthermore, it is necessary to be an expert in both law and psychology.

So, university students who want to pursue this career must study both fields.


  • chase something down  (필요한 일을) 찾아내다[처리하다]   wrongdoer  |rɔːŋduːə 격식 범법자, 부정행위자 (=criminal, offender)

  • forensic  |rensɪk 법의학적인, 범죄 과학 수사의  psychologist saɪ|kɑːlədʒɪst  심리학자

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