티스토리 뷰


#. IF 가정법 1시간 연습 - 구독자 90여명이 제출한 예문을 교정합니다




어려운 영어를 구사할 수 있어야 꼭 영어를 잘하는 것은 아니다.  일상적인 대화를 할 수 있는 수준을 위해 배운다면 가능하면 쉽게 말을 하는 것이 오히려 좋다고 생각한다.  단, 정확한 의미 전달을 위해서 비교적 복잡한 패턴과 규칙을 마스터해야 하는 영역이 몇 가지 있는데 대표적인 것 중 하나가 IF-가정법이다.  의미를 알 수 없는 각종 조동사와 완료시제가 복잡하게 얽혀 있기 때문인데 이것을 짧은 시간 내에 통달하는 방법은 없다그 이유는 '정확한 이해'로 해결되는 것이 아니고 '오랜 시간에 걸친 반복 연습'으로 인한 체화가 이루어져야 하기 때문이다.  자전거를 타는 법이나 악기를 다루는 법이나 식스팩을 만드는 과정과 같은 것이다.


If I knew I would need to use English, I would've studied harder.

If I knew (had known) your phone number, I would've called you.

If I knew (had known) about LA earlier, I wouldn't have had such a difficult time learning English.

If I knew (had known) I would be in a car accident,

If I knew (had known) there would be a car accident, I would've fastened my seat belt.

If I had known that happened,

If I had known about that, I wouldn't have gone through such a rough period. I should've known about it. 

If I had enough money, I would have bought the house.

If I knew about Live Academy earlier, I wouldn't have spent so much time exploring other Youtube channels.

If I had known she was already married, I wouldn't have asked for her phone number.

  • asked for someone something 누구에게 무엇을 달라고 하다

If I knew that was wrong, I wouldn't have done that.

If I had known she was already dating another guy, I wouldn't have taken interest in her. 

Back (when I was) in college, If I had known what I know now, I would have lived a better life.

If I knew it would rain today, I would have brought my umbrella.

If I knew we had onions, I wouldn't have bought any.

If I had known my husband was a bad guy, I wouldn't have married (with) him.

If I had known that the price of real estate was going up extremely high before I left Korea, I wouldn't bought an apartment for when I came back  돌아왔을때를 위해서 / I wouldn't bought in case I came back. 돌아올때를 대비해서

If I knew (had known) I had (had gotten) cancer earlier, It wouldn't have spread and I wouldn't have had such a hard time.

If I knew I wouldn't go there, I would've let them know in advance.

If I read a book, I could talked about it more deeply with you.

If I knew I would move to America, (If I knew I would be living in America) I would've studied English hard.

If I had known my son would be so lonely, I would've had more children.

If I had known it (things) would be (turn out) like this, I wouldn't have quit the job. 이럴줄 알았으면, 나는 일을 그만두지 않았을거야.

If I had known my kids would grow up so fast, I would've spent more time with them.

If I'd known my mother would pass away so quickly, I would've tried to spend more time with her.

If I'd known that he was a bad guy, I wouldn't have gone out with him. 

If I'd known she was dating another guy, I wouldn't have contacted her.

If I knew you were allergic to peanuts, I wouldn't have ordered these sandwiches.

If I'd known that these pants were made of  polyester, I wouldn't have bought them.

If I knew you wouldn't like it, I would've bought something else.

If I'd known you were in such a big trouble, I would've paid more attention.

If I'd known I would have to use English at work so much, I would've started learning English earlier. (I would've studied and practiced English harder.)

If I knew you were able to come to Korea, I wouldn't have gone on a trip by myself.

If I'd known raising a cat cost so much money, I wouldn't have gotten one. 고양이를 데려오지 않았을거야.

If I knew it was going to rain, I wouldn't have had my car washed.

If I knew he was gay, I wouldn't be interested in him.

If I'd known that I had potential, I wouldn't have given up like that.

If I knew she would dump me, I wouldn't have gotten her the AirPods.

  • get someone something 누군가에게 무언가를 사주다.

If I knew it was spicy, I wouldn't have ordered it.

If I'd known about her earlier, (If I had gotten to know her earlier) I wouldn't have left.

If I knew we were going to eat out, I wouldn't have had sandwiches.

If I knew how to love myself, I wouldn't be here like this. 지금처럼 여기있지 않았을텐데.

If I had known my dog would die so early, I would've taken better care of him.

If I knew he was a liar, I wouldn't have made (signed) a contract with him.

If I had known he was a really bad / big conman, I wouldn't have invested all of my money, which I had been saving for my retirement.

If I knew then what I know now, I would've studied much harder. 내가 지금 알았던걸 지금 알았더라면 나는 더 열심히 공부했을거야.

If I knew it would snow this much, I wouldn't have driven here.

If I knew it would be this hard to live with someone, I would've remained single and have never gotten married.

If I had known it would be so tough to work in this company, I wouldn't have taken this job.

If I knew A-market was offering a 15% discount on beauty products yesterday, I would've gone there.

If I knew what you had never been here, I wouldn't have even brought you here.

If I knew I would suffer so much form this marriage, I wouldn't have gotten married.

If I had known the pleasure of exercising, I would have started earlier.

If I had known that it would get cheaper just a few weeks later,I would've waited instead of going for the XR.

  • go for something ~을 사기를 고민하다

If I knew I would be so tired in the morning, I would've gone to bed earlier.

If I had known I would need to drive as soon as I got the job, I wouldn't have been lazy about getting my driver's license and would've gotten it as soon as I could. 운전면허 따는것에 게이름을 피우지않고 할수있을때 따놓았을텐데.

If I had known about this channel when I was in the U.S, I would've watched all the videos and practiced routinely to improve my English.

If I had known these shoes would wear out so quickly, I wouldn't have gotten them.

  • wear out    닳다.

If I knew it would be very demanding work for me, I wouldn't have accepted his offer.

  • demanding   dɪˈmɑːndɪŋ  부담이 큰, 힘든

If I knew the movie wouldn't be fun, I wouldn't have watched it.

If I had known that studying English was so much fun, I would've started learning earlier.

If I had met him earlier, I would've asked him out.

If I had known I had a lot of work to do, I would've come earlier.

If I knew he was there, I wouldn't have gone there.

If I knew I would be living in the U.S, I would've studied English harder.

If I had known that it was going to be on 50% sale the next day, I wouldn't have bought it that day.

If I knew it would be this difficult to get rid of things, I wouldn't have been such a shopaholic in my youth.

If I'd known that there was a car accident, I would've taken another a different route.

If I knew that housing prices would go up like this, I would've bought a house a ahead of time / early on.

If I had known that I would be interested in my major, I wouldn't have entered the university that I had graduated from and I would have studied English much harder.

If I had known exactly what kind of person she was, I wouldn't have made friends with her.

If I knew that going to college wasn't the only factor of a happy and successful life, I would've made some very different choices throughout my life.

If I had known Arabic was that hard, I wouldn't have joined the department of Arabic language and I think it would've been better to join some other department.

If I had known majoring in engineering would be far better than natural science, I wouldn't have chosen physics.

If I knew it was love, I wouldn't have let him go.

If I knew I would end up making such a stupid mistake, I would've gone to a professional and wouldn't have tried to take care of it myself.

If I knew that the exercises were hard, I would've started my homework last week.

If I had known that I wouldn't get to see the Northern Lights that night, I would've joined the aurora chasing tour and I would've gone for the husky dog sledding tour instead.

  • chase  tʃéis   뒤쫓다, 추적하다

  • sled  sléd   썰매    sledding  썰매타

If I knew that the movie was really fun, I would've watched it with my family.

If I had known he was a bad person, I wouldn't have helped him yesterday.

If I knew getting back to work would be this hard after having babies, I would've never left the last job.

If I knew that I wouldn't be able to see him again, (If I knew that I wouldn't get to see him again,) I wouldn't have gone abroad.

If I knew this shit would happen to me, I wouldn't have started in the first place.

  • in the first place  애초에  to begin with

If I had known an English teacher like you earlier, I would've mastered the basics of English by now.

  • by now 지금쯤이면

If I had known what it would be like to be married, I wouldn't have gotten married at all.