티스토리 뷰


#. Nature Returns to Cities


Everyone is worried about the coronavirus.

They are staying indoors.

So, cities have very few people.

Parks, streets, and plazas are empty.

Because of this, something interesting happened.

Many wild animals began coming into cities.

Deer entered subway stations.

Raccoons and boars walked around the streets.

Sheep got on playground rides.

Usually, wild animals avoid cities because they are full of people.

Now, there are many animal sightings.

Some animals come to find food.

Others come because they are curious.

@ Be careful

Animals like deer and sheep can look friendly.

But they are still wild animals.

So, we should be careful around them.

@ Clean Air

These days, the air is much cleaner, too.

That's because there are fewer moving cars.

Also, many factories are closed due to the coronavirus.

boar @ bɔː 야생돼지

Raccoons and boars walked around the streets.

They captured a wild boar alive. 


sheep @ ʃiːp 양 (→ewe, lamb, ram, black sheep)

Sheep were grazing in the fields @ graze ɡreɪz 1.풀을 뜯다   2.(소양 등을) 방목하다   3.(피부가) 까진 상처, 찰과상


sighting @ ˈsaɪtɪŋ 목격(특히 특이한 것·잠깐밖에 볼 수 없는 것에 대해 씀)

After sighting their prey, they dive on them. @ dive  daɪv 1.(물 속으로 거꾸로) 뛰어들다, 다이빙하다   2.잠수하다   3.다이빙, (물 속으로) 뛰어들기

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